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License Manager

An asset by Iceflower
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
License Manager hero image

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License Manager icon image
License Manager

Manage license and copyright for third party graphics, software or libraries. Group them into categories, add descriptions or web links.The data is stored inside a json file. This file is automatically added to the export, you do not need to add it yourself. If you provide license files instead of a text, they are also exported.If paths are added to license data, it will be automatically adjusted if you rename a file or folder inside the editor.You can change the project license file either with a button at the upper right, in the license menu. Or modify this and the indentation of the license file at the project settings under the menu Plugins -> Licenses.For more see

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
23 days ago
Issue URL

Godot Addons

README maintained README License: MIT README documentation

Download here.

You can find a documentation with examples and detailed information here.


MIT License


If you import any plugin or open a Godot project for the first time, the plugins will throw errors. To ensure correct operation, reload the project and the errors are gone.

Background: most plugins are using preload, but on first import there is nothing which can be preloaded.


Manage license and copyright for third party graphics, software or libraries. Group them into categories, add descriptions or web links.

The data is stored inside a json file. This file is automatically added to the export, you do not need to add it yourself. If you provide license files instead of a text, they are also exported.

If paths are added to license data, it will be automatically adjusted if you rename a file or folder inside the editor.

You can change the project license file either with a button at the upper right, in the license menu. Or modify this and the indentation of the license file at the project settings under the menu Plugins -> Licenses.

For more see


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Quick Information

0 ratings
License Manager icon image
License Manager

Manage license and copyright for third party graphics, software or libraries. Group them into categories, add descriptions or web links.The data is stored inside a json file. This file is automatically added to the export, you do not need to add it yourself. If you provide license files instead of a text, they are also exported.If paths are added to license data, it will be automatically adjusted if you rename a file or folder inside the editor.You can change the project license file either with a button at the upper right, in the license menu. Or modify this and the indentation of the license file at the project settings under the menu Plugins -> Licenses.For more see

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
23 days ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

Plug and Play

Browse assets directly from Godot

Community Driven

Created by developers for developers