Install Asset
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To maintain one source of truth, Godot Asset Library is just a mirror of the old asset library so you can download directly on Godot via the integrated asset library browser
Quick Information
Addon that allows you to offload tasks to a thread pool.
Task Dispatcher
Addon that allows you to offload tasks to another thread. Unless you know what you are doing use it only with pure functions for a no headache experience.
signal renamed tocompleted
for sake of compatibility with GDScriptFunctionState.- Multiple workers, if you don't specify how many it will automatically launch one worker for each available thread.
- Using
instead ofQueue
Small class that is similar to a Promise/Task/Future in other languages. Each Task has a state that can be either PENDING or COMPLETED. You can access the state using the method get_state()
and you can obtain the result value (that can be an error) using the method get_result()
. Tasks will emit a signal called completed(task)
when the task is succeed or fail.
Using res://addons/task_dispatcher/ as child node.
extends Node2D
const Task := preload("res://addons/task_dispatcher/")
const TaskDispatcher := preload("res://addons/task_dispatcher/")
onready var _dispatcher: TaskDispatcher = $TaskDispatcher
func _ready() -> void:
var task =, "_heavy_task", [1, 2])
task.connect("completed", self, "_on_task_completed")
func _heavy_task(a: int, b: int) -> int:
return a + b
func _on_task_completed(result: int) -> void:
Using res://addons/task_dispatcher/ (not a node).
extends Control
const Task := preload("res://addons/task_dispatcher/")
const TaskDispatcher := preload("res://addons/task_dispatcher/")
var _expected := 3000
var _all_tasks: Task
var _start := 0
var _dispatcher: TaskDispatcher
func _ready():
_dispatcher =
_all_tasks =
_all_tasks.connect("completed", self, "_on_all_tasks_completed")
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
func _exit_tree():
func _do_tasks_async() -> void:
_start = OS.get_ticks_msec()
for i in _expected:
var task :=, "_no_io_heavy_task", [i])
task.connect("completed", self, "_on_heavy_task_completed")
func _on_all_tasks_completed(_void) -> void:
print(str(OS.get_ticks_msec() - _start) + "ms")
func _no_io_heavy_task(num: int) -> int:
var x := 0
for i in num:
x = randi() % num * num
return x
func _on_heavy_task_completed(_void) -> void:
_expected -= 1
if _expected == 0: _all_tasks.complete()
Addon that allows you to offload tasks to a thread pool.
Quick Information
Addon that allows you to offload tasks to a thread pool.