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Polygon Counter

An asset by SinfulBobcat
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
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Polygon Counter

A plugin that counts polygons and vertices for selected `MeshInstance3D`, `CSGShape3D`, and `CSGCombiner3D` nodes in the scene.

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1 day ago
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Polygon Counter Plugin


A Redot/Godot plugin that counts polygons and vertices for selected MeshInstance3D, CSGShape3D, and CSGCombiner3D nodes in the scene.

[!IMPORTANT] This plugin is still very immature. Things WILL BREAK. If you find any bugs, please make a issue.

[!TIP] If you want to contribute and make this plugin better for everyone, please do not hesitate to make a pull request.


  1. Install it from Asset Library


  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Extract it.
  3. Place addons folder in your project's home directory.
  4. Enable the plugin in Project > Project Settings > Plugins.
  5. Restart Redot/Godot or re-enable the plugin.


  • Expand the Polygon Counter dock by clicking on the button on the bottom tray.

  • Select a 3D node (e.g., MeshInstance3D or CSGBox3D) in the scene tree. README image

  • The "Polygon Counter" dock at the bottom will display the polygon and vertex counts.

  • Polygon Adjustment Factor is used to offset the polygon count incase of any irregularities. But so far I have not faced any issues with polygon count. So I suggest to keep it 1.0.

  • Vertices Adjustment Factor is used to offset the vertices count incase of irregilarities. This is an important setting since as of right now, the vertices count on CSGCombiner3D and CSGPolygon3D is not calculated properly yet. We or I would implement a more appropriate technique to calculate it. (You should make a Pull Request if you think you can help me out in this!)

    [!WARNING] Use Manual CSG counting : Leave this checked, as it uses custom formulas to calculate the polygon and vertices count on the CSG meshes. Currently, converting the CSG shape to mesh to count, is broken. This feature is supposedly more performant than the other one too.

Known Limitations

  • It cannot count the number of polygons and vertices on CSGCombiner3D and CSGPolygon3D accurately, thus Vertices Adjustment Factor is employed to get a somewhat ok value.
  • The code is a mess, it can be optimized a lot.
  • If CSGContainer3D is selected along with its child, it displays the sum of the poly and vertex count of the childs along with the CSGContainer3D. This will be fixed in the next update.
  • Tested on Redot and Godot 4.4 alpha; compatibility with other versions (e.g., 4.3) is unverified.


MIT License (see

A plugin that counts polygons and vertices for selected `MeshInstance3D`, `CSGShape3D`, and `CSGCombiner3D` nodes in the scene.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Polygon Counter icon image
Polygon Counter

A plugin that counts polygons and vertices for selected `MeshInstance3D`, `CSGShape3D`, and `CSGCombiner3D` nodes in the scene.

Supported Engine Version
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License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
1 day ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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