Android RMB Emulator

An asset by MuffinInACup
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Android RMB Emulator

ARMBE - Android Right Mouse Button Emulator does just what it sounds like. It emulates right mouse button pressed via ALT+LMB combination, because while godot released for android devices, it in no way accounts for the fact that some (if not most/every) android device does not parse RMB presses correctly. Some devices (i.e. my smart tv) treats them as the 'back button' presses, while others (i.e. my phone or tablet) do not acknowledge right mouse button clicks at all. So, this is my workaround, until I get a laptop to work during my train trips.

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2 years ago
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Android RMB Emulator for Godot

Tldr - ALT+LMB = RMB Made simply because android does not handle right mouse presses that well, treating them like 'back button' presses on some devices and ignoring them on others. This is a simple script/addon to make godot for android actually usable on android. Should support both simple clicking as well as click-dragging with RMB, edit the code to do whatever, its not that hard and you probably could've written this yourself :D

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ARMBE - Android Right Mouse Button Emulator does just what it sounds like. It emulates right mouse button pressed via ALT+LMB combination, because while godot released for android devices, it in no way accounts for the fact that some (if not most/every) android device does not parse RMB presses correctly. Some devices (i.e. my smart tv) treats them as the 'back button' presses, while others (i.e. my phone or tablet) do not acknowledge right mouse button clicks at all. So, this is my workaround, until I get a laptop to work during my train trips.


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Android RMB Emulator icon image
Android RMB Emulator

ARMBE - Android Right Mouse Button Emulator does just what it sounds like. It emulates right mouse button pressed via ALT+LMB combination, because while godot released for android devices, it in no way accounts for the fact that some (if not most/every) android device does not parse RMB presses correctly. Some devices (i.e. my smart tv) treats them as the 'back button' presses, while others (i.e. my phone or tablet) do not acknowledge right mouse button clicks at all. So, this is my workaround, until I get a laptop to work during my train trips.

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Modified Date
2 years ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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