Voxel Factory

An asset by antopilo
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Voxel Factory image holder but it is empty

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Voxel Factory

This is a simple node that handles the creation of mesh using voxels. It allows you to create a mesh from an image or from another source of you choice. Simple and easy to use. Perfect to experiment with voxels in general.There is a C# and GDscript version included in the addons folder.I recommend using the VoxelFactory as an autoload.

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4 years ago
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Voxel Factory 📦 :factory:

Voxel Factory is a simple Godot C# library that allows you to create voxel mesh easily using cubes. It handles the meshing for you and optimize it.


VoxelFactory can be used for anything in your project that needs procedural meshing. If you have a way to feed it some data. Then it will create the mesh no problem. You could use the library to create some voxel Items like in minecraft from pngs. You could feed it some chunk data so it will create the chunk mesh for you. If you want to create a procedural landscape using this library, you will need to handle the generation and multi-threading yourself.


Just import the source VoxelFactory.cs class to your project. Nuget package and dll coming soon. GDscript version coming soon.


If you have an image that you would like to extrude in voxels, all you need is the path to your image.

 var VoxelFactory = new VoxelFactory();
 Mesh = VoxelFactory.CreateMeshFromIMG("res://New Piskel.png");

You can also add voxels manually like so:

var VoxelFactory = new VoxelFactory();

VoxelFactory.AddVoxel(0, 0, 0, new Color(1, 0, 0));
VoxelFactory.AddVoxel(0, 1, 0, new Color(0, 1, 0));
Mesh = VoxelFactory.CreateMesh();

If you have a sprite node that has a texture that you want to extrude.

 var VoxelFactory = new VoxelFactory();
 var mySpriteNode = (Sprite)GetNode("mySpriteNode");
 Mesh = VoxelFactory.CreateMeshFromSprite(mySpriteNode);



Type Name
Material DefaultMaterial
float VoxelSize


Return type Name
Mesh CreateMeshFromIMG
Mesh CreateMeshFromSprite
Mesh CreateMesh
void AddVoxel
void AddVoxels
void ClearVoxels

Propreties Descriptions

  • Default Material

The default material used on the mesh. By default, only the VertexColorUseAsAlbedois enabled. You can override this before create a mesh to use a custom material.

  • VoxelSize

The size of a voxel. Default is 1 unit.

Methods Descriptions

  • Mesh CreateMeshFromIMG(string path)

This will create a mesh from an image specified as path. For each pixel in the image, a voxel with the same color will be created. If the pixel is fully transparent, no voxel will be created.

  • Mesh CreateMeshFromSprite(Sprite node)

This will create a mesh from a Sprite node. It will use the sprite texture as an image.

  • void CreateMesh()

Create a Mesh from the current data in the VoxelFactory. Use this if you are adding Voxels manually.

  • void AddVoxel(int x, int y , int z, Color color, [bool overwrite = false])
  • void AddVoxel(Vector3 position, Color color)

Add a voxel at a specified position with a color to the VoxelFactory dataset. You can either use a Vector3 for the position or specify them one by one. You can specify if you want to overwrite if a voxel already exists at the position specified

  • void AddVoxels(Dictionary<Vector3, Color>, [bool overwrite = false])

Add a bunch of voxels all at once that are in a Dictionary with the position as the key, and the color as the value. You can specify if you want to overwrite if a voxel already exists at the position specified

  • void ClearVoxels()

Clears the dataset in the VoxelFactory

This is a simple node that handles the creation of mesh using voxels. It allows you to create a mesh from an image or from another source of you choice. Simple and easy to use. Perfect to experiment with voxels in general.

There is a C# and GDscript version included in the addons folder.

I recommend using the VoxelFactory as an autoload.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Voxel Factory icon image
Voxel Factory

This is a simple node that handles the creation of mesh using voxels. It allows you to create a mesh from an image or from another source of you choice. Simple and easy to use. Perfect to experiment with voxels in general.There is a C# and GDscript version included in the addons folder.I recommend using the VoxelFactory as an autoload.

Supported Engine Version
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License Version
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Modified Date
4 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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