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Quick Information

This plugin add a Node to manage discrete swipes on touchscreens devices as Input actions.
Godot Swipe Screen Area Plugin
This plugin add a Node to manage discrete swipes on touchscreens devices as Input actions.
How to use
extract swipe_controller folder inside the res://addons directory on your Godot project.
open Project > Project Settings and select Plugin tab. Check enable to activate the plugin.\n
add an SwipeScreenArea to your scene.
If want to test on Desktop environment open Project > Project Settings > Pointing and check Emulate Touch From Mouse option.
SwipeScreenArea node
You can configure some variables inside inspector
Debug: Enable draw references in execution.
Reset on finish: If is checked, scan next swipe after detect the last.
Input Actions: The swipe's actions (input actions events defined in Input Map).
Area size: Size of area detection swipe in px.
Color area debug: Set color of size area reference.
Color angle separator: Set color of swipes's directions separators.
Angle offset: Change angle of swipes's directions detections.
Min lenght vector: Define the distance amount to determine detected swipe.
This plugin falls under the MIT License
This plugin add a Node to manage discrete swipes on touchscreens devices as Input actions.
Quick Information

This plugin add a Node to manage discrete swipes on touchscreens devices as Input actions.