Discrete Swipe Screen Area Plugin

An asset by Jjony
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
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Discrete Swipe Screen Area Plugin icon image
Discrete Swipe Screen Area Plugin

This plugin add a Node to manage discrete swipes on touchscreens devices as Input actions.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
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Modified Date
2 years ago
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Godot Swipe Screen Area Plugin


This plugin add a Node to manage discrete swipes on touchscreens devices as Input actions.

How to use

extract swipe_controller folder inside the res://addons directory on your Godot project.

open Project > Project Settings and select Plugin tab. Check enable to activate the plugin.\n

README Activate

add an SwipeScreenArea to your scene.

README Add node

If want to test on Desktop environment open Project > Project Settings > Pointing and check Emulate Touch From Mouse option.

SwipeScreenArea node

You can configure some variables inside inspector

README Inspector

Debug: Enable draw references in execution.

Reset on finish: If is checked, scan next swipe after detect the last.

Input Actions: The swipe's actions (input actions events defined in Input Map).


Area size: Size of area detection swipe in px.

Color area debug: Set color of size area reference.

Color angle separator: Set color of swipes's directions separators.

Angle offset: Change angle of swipes's directions detections.

Min lenght vector: Define the distance amount to determine detected swipe.


This plugin falls under the MIT License

This plugin add a Node to manage discrete swipes on touchscreens devices as Input actions.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Discrete Swipe Screen Area Plugin icon image
Discrete Swipe Screen Area Plugin

This plugin add a Node to manage discrete swipes on touchscreens devices as Input actions.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
2 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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