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Godot Motion Matching

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Godot Motion Matching

A Motion Matching plugin for Godot 4.4 and above.Motion matching is a different way of animating your characters, that allows you to have realistic body motion from a set of animation, without requiring setting up any complicated animation state machines.This module is still under development, and code contributions are welcome!

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11 days ago
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Motion Matching for Godot 4.4

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Motion Matching is an animation technique that allows you to easily setup character movement animations from large amounts of unlabeled animation data, without requiring any blend trees or state machines.

This extension is fully integrated into Godot's AnimationTree system, and can be used in tandem with more traditional animation techniques.

:gear: How it Works

Motion Matching uses a set of animations contained in an animation library to build a pose database, which contains features that describe different animation frames in different ways. At runtime, these features are periodically compared against what the character is doing, and the animation that best matches those features is played.

The only requirement for all this to work is to have animations with both root motion, and a root bone at the foot level.

You can find more on how to set all this up on the wiki here!

:raised_hands: Credits

I want to thank all the contributors that made this project possible!

Fire GeorgeS Remi Roberts Kalnins


A motion matching implementation in Godot 4.4, implemented following Dan Holden's article.

A Motion Matching plugin for Godot 4.4 and above.

Motion matching is a different way of animating your characters, that allows you to have realistic body motion from a set of animation, without requiring setting up any complicated animation state machines.

This module is still under development, and code contributions are welcome!


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Godot Motion Matching icon image
Godot Motion Matching

A Motion Matching plugin for Godot 4.4 and above.Motion matching is a different way of animating your characters, that allows you to have realistic body motion from a set of animation, without requiring setting up any complicated animation state machines.This module is still under development, and code contributions are welcome!

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Modified Date
11 days ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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