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To maintain one source of truth, Godot Asset Library is just a mirror of the old asset library so you can download directly on Godot via the integrated asset library browser

Quick Information

Steamworks API wrapper for Godot Engine (version 3.x)... now for GDNative. Available for the Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms. It is based on GodotSteam 3.27 with Steamworks SDK 1.60.This version is meant for Godot Engine 3.6, but it should work with previous Godot 3.x versions.Previous versions of the plug-in can be found at the GodotSteam repository: can find the full documentation with tutorials at
GodotSteam for GDNative
Steam API for the Godot game engine (version 3.x). For the Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms.
Additional flavors include:
Documentation is available here and there is the project's Wiki page here.
Feel free to chat with us about GodotSteam on the CoaguCo Discord server.
Current Build
You can download pre-compiled versions (currently v3.3) of this repo here.
Version 3.3 Changes
- Added: missing D_METHOD to all functions, should show the right argument names in-editor
- Added: Input origin enums for PS5 and Steam Deck
- Added: Input Types, Input Glyph Style, Input Glyph Size, and Input Configuration Enable Type enums
- Added: getConnectionRealTimeStatus, configureConnectionLanes, connectP2PCustomSignaling, receivedP2PCustomSignal, getCertificateRequest, setCertificate, resetIdentity, runNetworkingCallbacks, beginAsyncRequestFakeIP, getFakeIP, createListenScoketP2PFakeIP, getRemoveFakeIPForConnection, and createFakeUDPPort functions and callback to NetworkingSockets class
- Added: dismissFloatingGamepadTextInput function to Utils class
- Added: setTimeCreatedDateRange and setTimeUpdatedDateRange to UGC class
- Added: NetworkingeDebugOutputType enums for NetworkingUtils
- Added: missing constant binds for Server API, OverlayToWebPageMode
- Added: server branch merged in
- Fixed: minor compiler warnings
- Fixed: empty file hash being returned by file_details_result callback
- Fixed: a variety of small bugs and possible crashes, thanks to qarmin
- Fixed: missing binds for getFriendsGroupName, getFriendsGroupMembersList, getFriendsGroupIDByIndex, getFriendsGroupCount, getFriendMessage, getFriendCoplayTime, getFriendCoplayGame, getCoplayFriendCount, getCoplayFriend, getClanTag, getClanName, getClanCount, getClanChatMessage, getClanByIndex, getClanActivityCounts, fileWriteAsync, fileWriteStreamCancel, fileWriteStreamClose, fileWriteStreamOpen, fileWriteStreamWriteChunk, getCachedUGCCount, getUGCDownloadProgress, getUGCDetails, fileReadAsync, getOPFSettings, getOPFStringForApp, getVideoURL, isBroadcasting functions
- Fixed: setPNGIcon and updateCurrentEntryCoverArt in Music Remote class
- Fixed: missing getUGCDetails and getUGCDownloadProgress functions
- Changed: spacing in default arguments in godotsteam.h
- Changed: updated doc_class file for in-editor documentation
- Changed: updated to Steamworks 1.53
- Changed: lobby_data_update, removed lobby data queries as they should be done manually
- Changed: minor tweaks under-the-hood
- Changed: various generic 'int' to their actual types
- Changed: renamed servers and server stats to game server and game server stats respectively, to match SDK
- Changed: SteamNetworkingQuickConnectionStatus to SteamNetConnectionRealTimeStatus_t per Steamworks SDK 1.53, causes a break in previous GodotSteam versions
- Changed: getConfigValueInfo, removed name and next value from return dictionary as they are no longer passed by function in SDK 1.53
- Changed: rearranged functions in godotsteam.cpp class binds to match godotsteam.h order
- Changed: enum constant binds to match godotsteam.h enum order
- Removed: unused callback new_launch_query_parameters, broadcast_upload_start, broadcast_upload_stop
- Removed: allocateMessage as it shouldn't be used solo
- Removed: getQuickConnectionStatus and getFirstConfigValue as they were removed from SDK 1.53
- Removed: setDebugOutputFunction from Networking Utils
- Removed: unused structs
- Removed: SteamGameServer_RunCallbacks function
Version 3.2 Changes
- Added: new helper functions for newer networking classes, translations for steamnetworkingtypes
- Changed: now works in Godot 3.4
- Fixed: various compiler warnings
Version 3.1.1 Changes
- Removed: not logged in as a failure condition for steamInit
Version 3.1 Changes
- Added: various Steam Deck specific functions, thanks to EIREXE
- Added: new AppLists class of functions and callbacks
- Added: new or missing App functions, callbacks, and enums
- Added: OverlayToWebPageMode enum and unread_chat_messages_changed callback for Friends class
- Added: new Input functions and callbacks
- Added: new Parental Settings fuctions, callback, and enums
- Added: new Remote Storage functions, callback, and enums
- Added: new UGC functions, callbacks, and enum
- Added: memory allocation corrections
- Changed: updated various Input class functions
- Changed: lots of argument names internally, has no effect on usage
- Fixed: some enum names
- Fixed: various server list filter functions in Matchmaking Servers class
- Fixed: getGameCoordinatorServerLogin in Networking Sockets class
- Removed: receiveRelayAuthTicket, findRelayAuthTicketForServer, getHostedDedicatedServerAddress, and getGameCoordinatorServerLogin as they rely on datagram header that was removed from base SDK
- Removed: second call for steam_api.h in godotsteam.cpp
Version 3.0.2 Changes
- Added: for the add-on only, new production-ready API libs were made
Version 3.0.1 Changes
- Fixed: two issues with godotsteam.cpp that causes compiling error on Linux
Version 3.0.0 Changes
- Added: all missing functions to bring GDNative version in-line with module version
- Changed: rebuilt and restructured layout of project folder
- Removed: enums as they don't work in GDNative
- Removed: default arguments for functions as they don't work in GDNative
Known Issues
- The GDNative version does not allow for default arguments in functions, thus some functions may have odd behaviors. If you are using this version of GodotSteam you are required to pass any argument that has a default in the module version. Also, there are no enums in the GDNative version due to how it is structured.
Quick How-To
Obtain the plugin through one of two ways:
- Visit the Godot Asset Library either through the website or in the editor and search for GodotSteam.
- Download this repo and unzip it into the base of your game project.
Go into Project > Settings > Plugins and activate the plugin.
Tinker with Steamworks!
Pull-requests are the best way to help the project out but you can also donate through Patreon or Paypal!
MIT license
Steamworks API wrapper for Godot Engine (version 3.x)... now for GDNative. Available for the Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms. It is based on GodotSteam 3.27 with Steamworks SDK 1.60.
This version is meant for Godot Engine 3.6, but it should work with previous Godot 3.x versions.
Previous versions of the plug-in can be found at the GodotSteam repository:
You can find the full documentation with tutorials at
Quick Information

Steamworks API wrapper for Godot Engine (version 3.x)... now for GDNative. Available for the Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms. It is based on GodotSteam 3.27 with Steamworks SDK 1.60.This version is meant for Godot Engine 3.6, but it should work with previous Godot 3.x versions.Previous versions of the plug-in can be found at the GodotSteam repository: can find the full documentation with tutorials at