Emojis for Godot

An asset by Jebedaia
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Emojis for Godot hero image

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Emojis for Godot icon image
Emojis for Godot

This addon provides the following nodes to use emojis in Godot:- **EmojiIcon**: A node that displays an Emoji.- **EmojiButton**: A node that displays an Emoji as a button.Rewritten to give you access to **EmojisDB** singleton for easier use of emojis anywhere in your project.It's also adds **IconsFinder** to the Godot's **Tools** menu.So you can find the emojis easily.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
11 months ago
Issue URL

README github-top-lang README lic README emojis-lic

Emojis for Godot

Emoji mode use README emojis-lic Twemoji.

This addon provides the following nodes to use emojis in Godot:

  • EmojiIcon: A node that displays an Emoji.
  • EmojiButton: A node that displays an Emoji as a button.

It's also adds EmojiFinder to the Godot editor's toolbar. So you can find the emojis easily.

README EmojiFinder Screen Shot

Install using gd-plug

To install it with gd-plug add in your plug.gd script:

extends "res://addons/gd-plug/plug.gd"

func _plugging():
    # your other plugins/addons install instructions
    # ...
    plug("rakugoteam/Emojis-For-Godot", {"include": ["addons", ".import/"]})

Using it with RichTextLabel

From version 1.3 you can use emojis in RichTextLabel.

This is the example code of using emojis in RichTextLabel:

extends RichTextLabel

var emojis = Emojis.new()
export var text_with_emojis := "some emoji :sunglasses:"
func _ready():
    bbcode_enabled = true
    bbcode_text = emojis.parse_emojis(text_with_emojis)

This is the result of the above code:

README RichTextLabel Example Screen Shot


For emojis to work in exported projects, you need add *.json files to include files settings: README include files settings

TexturePacker is used to generate the emoji atlases.

This addon provides the following nodes to use emojis in Godot:
- **EmojiIcon**: A node that displays an Emoji.
- **EmojiButton**: A node that displays an Emoji as a button.

Rewritten to give you access to **EmojisDB** singleton for easier use of emojis anywhere in your project.

It's also adds **IconsFinder** to the Godot's **Tools** menu.
So you can find the emojis easily.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Emojis for Godot icon image
Emojis for Godot

This addon provides the following nodes to use emojis in Godot:- **EmojiIcon**: A node that displays an Emoji.- **EmojiButton**: A node that displays an Emoji as a button.Rewritten to give you access to **EmojisDB** singleton for easier use of emojis anywhere in your project.It's also adds **IconsFinder** to the Godot's **Tools** menu.So you can find the emojis easily.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
11 months ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

Plug and Play

Browse assets directly from Godot

Community Driven

Created by developers for developers