Edit Resources as Table 2

An asset by don-tnowe
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Edit Resources as Table 2 thumbnail image
Edit Resources as Table 2 thumbnail image
Edit Resources as Table 2 thumbnail image
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Edit Resources as Table 2 icon image
Edit Resources as Table 2

A plugin for Godot 3 (and now 4!) that adds a tab for editing folders of Resources as data tables.- Edit Text, Numbers, Bools and Colors even without the Inspector, and Resources and Enums with it;- Select multiple cells in one column (Shift/Ctrl+Click) to edit them in the Inspector simultaneously;- Multi-cell text editing with commonly used text navigation keybindings. Now with text cursors actually visible!- CSV table support - Import, Export or Edit directly!- Edit folders containing several resource types, or subfolders with more resources- Open a column of resources or resource arrays as a separate table, works even with built-in resources- Copy and Paste Cells (one text line, one cell; supports most datatypes);- Special mass operations for some datatypes:- - Multiply/add numbers;- - Rotate color hues/adjust sat/val/RGB;- - Chop texture into atlas, assign results to each selected resource;- - Add and remove items in arrays, including enum and resource arrays;- - Set and erase values in dictionaries, rename keys;- Sort entries by column;- Use a GDScript expression to search/filter, or modify cell values en masse;- Only show resources of a specified class, with or without subclasses- Row stylization (color-type cells change look of the row until next color-type);- Saves recently opened folders between sessions.For always-up-to-date builds, clone: https://github.com/don-tnowe/godot-resources-as-sheets-plugin/tree/Godot-4Found a bug? Need a feature? Don't hesitate to post an issue on the repository above!For available keybindings, please refer to the included About menu orhttps://github.com/don-tnowe/godot-resources-as-sheets-plugin/blob/master/README.mdFor a sample dataset, check out the Example folder.

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Modified Date
1 month ago
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Edit Resources as Spreadsheet

"Welp, it is what it sounds like!"

A plugin for Godot 3 (and 4!) that adds a tab for editing folders of Resources as data tables. It was made from neccessity when trying to develop another plugin.

  • Select multiple cells in one column (Shift/Ctrl+Click) to edit them in the Inspector simultaneously.
  • Multi-cell text editing (visible cursor not included, unfortunately)
  • Copy-paste Text into Cells (one line, one cell)
  • Special mass operations for some datatypes
    • Multiply/add numbers
    • Rotate color hues/adjust sat/val/RGB
    • Chop texture into atlas, assign results to each selected resource


  • Sort entries by column
  • Search by evaluating GDScript expression
  • Row stylization (color-type cells change look of the row until next color-type)
  • Saves recently opened folders between sessions
  • Full Undo/Redo support.


Possible inputs:

  • Ctrl + Click / Cmd + Click - Select multiple cells in one column
  • Shift + Click - Select all cells between A and B in one column
  • Left/Right - Move cursor along cell text
  • Backspace/Delete - Erase text Left / Right from cursor
  • Home/End - Move cursor to start/end of cell
  • Ctrl + <move/erase> / Cmd + <move/erase> - Move through / Erase whole word
  • Ctrl/Cmd + C/V - Copy cells / Paste text into cells
  • Ctrl/Cmd + (Shift) + Z - The Savior

If clipboard contains as many lines as there are cells selected, each line is pasted into a separate cell.

To add support of more datatypes, check out the typed_cells and typed_editors folders. typed_cells need to be added in the editor_view root's exported array, and typed_editors are placed there under the %PropertyEditors node.

Made by Don Tnowe in 2022.



Copying and Modiication is allowed in accordance to the MIT license, full text is included.

A plugin for Godot 3 (and now 4!) that adds a tab for editing folders of Resources as data tables.

- Edit Text, Numbers, Bools and Colors even without the Inspector, and Resources and Enums with it;
- Select multiple cells in one column (Shift/Ctrl+Click) to edit them in the Inspector simultaneously;
- Multi-cell text editing with commonly used text navigation keybindings. Now with text cursors actually visible!
- CSV table support - Import, Export or Edit directly!
- Edit folders containing several resource types, or subfolders with more resources
- Open a column of resources or resource arrays as a separate table, works even with built-in resources
- Copy and Paste Cells (one text line, one cell; supports most datatypes);
- Special mass operations for some datatypes:
- - Multiply/add numbers;
- - Rotate color hues/adjust sat/val/RGB;
- - Chop texture into atlas, assign results to each selected resource;
- - Add and remove items in arrays, including enum and resource arrays;
- - Set and erase values in dictionaries, rename keys;
- Sort entries by column;
- Use a GDScript expression to search/filter, or modify cell values en masse;
- Only show resources of a specified class, with or without subclasses
- Row stylization (color-type cells change look of the row until next color-type);
- Saves recently opened folders between sessions.

For always-up-to-date builds, clone: https://github.com/don-tnowe/godot-resources-as-sheets-plugin/tree/Godot-4

Found a bug? Need a feature? Don't hesitate to post an issue on the repository above!

For available keybindings, please refer to the included About menu or
For a sample dataset, check out the Example folder.


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This tool is great
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Quick Information

1 ratings
Edit Resources as Table 2 icon image
Edit Resources as Table 2

A plugin for Godot 3 (and now 4!) that adds a tab for editing folders of Resources as data tables.- Edit Text, Numbers, Bools and Colors even without the Inspector, and Resources and Enums with it;- Select multiple cells in one column (Shift/Ctrl+Click) to edit them in the Inspector simultaneously;- Multi-cell text editing with commonly used text navigation keybindings. Now with text cursors actually visible!- CSV table support - Import, Export or Edit directly!- Edit folders containing several resource types, or subfolders with more resources- Open a column of resources or resource arrays as a separate table, works even with built-in resources- Copy and Paste Cells (one text line, one cell; supports most datatypes);- Special mass operations for some datatypes:- - Multiply/add numbers;- - Rotate color hues/adjust sat/val/RGB;- - Chop texture into atlas, assign results to each selected resource;- - Add and remove items in arrays, including enum and resource arrays;- - Set and erase values in dictionaries, rename keys;- Sort entries by column;- Use a GDScript expression to search/filter, or modify cell values en masse;- Only show resources of a specified class, with or without subclasses- Row stylization (color-type cells change look of the row until next color-type);- Saves recently opened folders between sessions.For always-up-to-date builds, clone: https://github.com/don-tnowe/godot-resources-as-sheets-plugin/tree/Godot-4Found a bug? Need a feature? Don't hesitate to post an issue on the repository above!For available keybindings, please refer to the included About menu orhttps://github.com/don-tnowe/godot-resources-as-sheets-plugin/blob/master/README.mdFor a sample dataset, check out the Example folder.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
1 month ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

Plug and Play

Browse assets directly from Godot

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Created by developers for developers