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Squiggles Fur

An asset by QueenOfSquiggles
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
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Squiggles Fur thumbnail image
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Squiggles Fur

A shell fur tool for Godot 4 that provides a robust, no-code approach to stylish fur and fur-like materials. Supports all currently available 4.X versions

Supported Engine Version
Version String
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Support Level
Modified Date
1 year ago
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A Godot 4 addon for stylish shell fur

Supported Version

4.2.X, 4.1.X : no notable issues

4.0.X : All features functional, but the addon is unable to mark a scene as unsaved, which means the user must remember to manually save the scene before closing (in order to prevent losing progress).

As of updating, this means that all currently available Godot 4.X versions are supported


Fur that physically moves, adjustable to be semi-realistic or very stylized. README A demo of the fur reacting to physics

Fur that can be textured using all of the same texture resources Godot can handle. README A demo of the fur texturing workflow

Fur that can be given metalness and roughness values to alter how it behaves under light. README A demo of the fur with PBR data

Additional Features

  • Automatic mesh generation
  • No code solution


This addon and all of my work is under the MIT license. The "kindred" model used for demonstration purposes is not mine and the author requested this license information to be shared wherever it is used:

This work is based on "Kindred (League of Legends) - Rigged" ( by maisth ( licensed under CC-BY-4.0 (

This model is included with modifications.

A shell fur tool for Godot 4 that provides a robust, no-code approach to stylish fur and fur-like materials. Supports all currently available 4.X versions


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Squiggles Fur icon image
Squiggles Fur

A shell fur tool for Godot 4 that provides a robust, no-code approach to stylish fur and fur-like materials. Supports all currently available 4.X versions

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
1 year ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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