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Poisson Disc Sampling

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Poisson Disc Sampling

Script for generating evenly and randomly distributed points for a given region (rectangular, polygonal or circular) separated by a minimum distance.

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1 year ago
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Poisson Disc Sampling

Poisson Disc Sampling GDScript for Godot. Generates evenly and randomly distributed points for a given region (rectangular, polygonal or circular) separated by a minimum distance. Points are sorted in the order of their discovery, so it can be used to create interesting animations.

Available on Godot Asset Library:

How to use

  • Create an instance of class PoissonDiscSampling
  • Call generate_points(radius: float, sample_region_shape, retries: int, start_pos: Vector2):
    • radius - minimum distance between points
    • sample_region - any of the following types:
      • Rect2D for rectangular region
      • Array of Vector2 for a polygonal region
      • Vector3 for a circular region with x, y as the position and z as the radius of the circle
    • retries - number of retries to search for a valid sample point around a point. 30 is sufficient, but you can reduce it to increase performance. A very low number will give unevenly spaced distribution.
    • start_pos - starting position is optional. A random point inside region is selected if not specified.
var poisson_disc_sampling =
var points = poisson_disc_sampling.generate_points(20, $Polygon2D.polygon, 30)
Further Reading

Script for generating evenly and randomly distributed points for a given region (rectangular, polygonal or circular) separated by a minimum distance.


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Poisson Disc Sampling icon image
Poisson Disc Sampling

Script for generating evenly and randomly distributed points for a given region (rectangular, polygonal or circular) separated by a minimum distance.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
1 year ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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