
An asset by awltux
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
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Data Table Control that takes Array[Dictionary] data (e.g. SQLite queries return data in this format, but any data in this format will work) and displays it in a paged table format. Features include, column sort, resizable column width, configurable page size and more.

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Modified Date
3 months ago
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Table Pager

Table pager is a Godot 4.x plugin that displays Array[Dictionary] data in a table format.

GitHub repository


  • Uses data in the Array[Dictionary] format, as used by the SQLite plugin
  • Data Pager displays data a page at a time
    • Step forward or backward a page at a time
    • Skip forward or backward several pages at a time
    • Displays the current page and the end page using "N of M"
  • Sortable columns
    • Click header for Ascending, Descending and DB native
  • Resizable columns
    • Initial width can be set
    • Columns can be dragged to a new size.
  • Column Headers
    • Default name is the column name used in the Dictionary
    • Header name can be overridden.
  • Extend CellBase to create other types of table Cells
  • Update data in DB:
    • progressBar and CheckButtons can be used to update the DB directly.
  • Uses Signals to return data to the application.
  • Example code
    • Example includes basic theme
  • Unit Tests
    • Install GUT to run a set of basic tests

Data Table Control that takes Array[Dictionary] data (e.g. SQLite queries return data in this format, but any data in this format will work) and displays it in a paged table format. Features include, column sort, resizable column width, configurable page size and more.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
TablePager icon image

Data Table Control that takes Array[Dictionary] data (e.g. SQLite queries return data in this format, but any data in this format will work) and displays it in a paged table format. Features include, column sort, resizable column width, configurable page size and more.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
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Modified Date
3 months ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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