Modular Sprite Animation Factory

An asset by kyboon
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Modular Sprite Animation Factory

A plugin to generate animations for modular 2d sprites. Generated animations will have multiple tracks, one for each Sprite2D node.

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Modified Date
3 months ago
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A Godot 4 plugin to generate animations for modular 2d sprites. Generated animations will have multiple tracks, one for each Sprite2D node.


  1. Download the plugin from github and place the addons directory to your Godot project root folder. Alternatively, you can install it from the AssetLib in the Godot editor.
  2. In the Godot editor, go to Project > Project Settings > Plugins and enable Modular Sprite Animation Factory.


  1. Prepare your sprites. Split it to different parts and convert them to white (or greyscale). Example below:

    Original: README Original Head: README Head Body: README Head Eyes: README Head Outline: README Head

  2. Setup your nodes, it has to be a Node2D, contains an AnimationPlayer and at least a Sprite2D among its children. It's recommended to name the Sprite2Ds accordingly. Example below:

    • Node2D
      • AnimationPlayer
      • Sprite2D
      • Sprite2D
      • ... more Sprite2Ds

    README image

  3. Set the textures of the Sprite2Ds with your sprites. And set the Hframes and Vframes (under the Sprite2D > Animation section), in the example it's a 4x4 spritesheet.

    README image

  4. You can now customize your character by setting different colors to each part of the sprite. To do so, in the CanvasItem > Visibility section, change the modulate color. You can also change that via a script. Alternatively, you can also customize your character by changing the texture. For example, you can have a Sprite2D node named Hat, and you can change the character's hat to different styles, instead of just changing the hat color.

    README image README image

  5. When you select the root Node2D, a tab will apear on the right panel, named MSAF. You can then manage and generate animations using it.

    README image

  6. The result of the generated animation:

    README image

A plugin to generate animations for modular 2d sprites. Generated animations will have multiple tracks, one for each Sprite2D node.


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Quick Information

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Modular Sprite Animation Factory icon image
Modular Sprite Animation Factory

A plugin to generate animations for modular 2d sprites. Generated animations will have multiple tracks, one for each Sprite2D node.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
3 months ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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