
An asset by TheFamousRat
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
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Allows the user to deform a mesh along a curve.Thought as a combination between Blender's curve and array modifiers, this asset allows the user to deform any mesh along a Path node (a Bezier curve). It also allows him to change the scale of said mesh, as well as move it along the curve, and also repeat it (useful in case of, for example, road).

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Modified Date
5 years ago
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Guillaume Roy - 2018

MeshCurver v1.0

A small MeshCurver plugin, imagined as a combination between Blender's Array and Curve modifier. What this plugin does is allow you to create a 3D Bezier curve, and deform a mesh relative to that 3D curve. The plugin supports multi-surfaces meshes, all Godot-supported shaders, scaling of the mesh on the curve, as well as the creation of Trimesh bounding boxes that allow the deformed meshes to be obstacles in the game.

Being written in C++, the plugin is very fast, and most game-sized meshes shouldn't cause any problem.

To use this plugin : 1/Download 2/Place everything in your project folder 3/Instance MeshCurver.tscn (you have to click on the small chain just above your Scene's main node) 4/CRUCIAL : RIGHT CLICK MESHCURVER AND CLICK 'MAKE LOCAL' 5/Now you're ready to curve meshes like there's no tomorrow !

Allows the user to deform a mesh along a curve.
Thought as a combination between Blender's curve and array modifiers, this asset allows the user to deform any mesh along a Path node (a Bezier curve). It also allows him to change the scale of said mesh, as well as move it along the curve, and also repeat it (useful in case of, for example, road).


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Quick Information

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MeshCurver icon image

Allows the user to deform a mesh along a curve.Thought as a combination between Blender's curve and array modifiers, this asset allows the user to deform any mesh along a Path node (a Bezier curve). It also allows him to change the scale of said mesh, as well as move it along the curve, and also repeat it (useful in case of, for example, road).

Supported Engine Version
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Modified Date
5 years ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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