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Quick Information

Automatic C# bindings generator for GDExtension classesHow to use:1. Import your GDExtensions2. Enable the C# GDExtension Bindgen plugin in "Project Settings... -> Plugins" tab3. Click in the menu item "Project -> Tools -> Generate C# GDExtension Bindings" whenever you want to regenerate C# bindings4. Enjoy \o/
Lua GDExtension

Extension for using the Lua programming language in Godot 4.3+
This plugin is available in the Asset Library as Lua GDExtension.
- Run Lua scripts, access Lua tables, functions and coroutines directly from GDScript, C# or any other scripting language in Godot
- Create as many Lua states as you need
- Select which Lua libraries and Godot APIs will be available per Lua state, making sandboxing easier:
- Lua libraries are the same as Lua/C, like
libraries - Godot APIs:
- Create and manipulate Variant values
- Instantiate objects and access class constants
- Access singleton objects by name
- Utility functions, like
- Global enums, like
- (TODO) Patch Lua
to accept paths relative tores://
- Lua libraries are the same as Lua/C, like
- Create Godot scripts directly in Lua
Calling Lua from Godot
The following classes are registered in Godot for creating Lua states and interacting with them: LuaState
, LuaError
, LuaCoroutine
, LuaFunction
, LuaLightUserdata
, LuaTable
and LuaUserdata
Usage example:
# 1. Create a Lua state
var lua =
# 2. Import Lua and Godot APIs into the state
# Optionally pass which libraries should be opened to the method
# 3. Run Lua code using `LuaState.do_string` or `LuaState.do_file`
var result = lua.do_string("""
local vector = Vector2(1, 2)
return {
this_is_a_table = true,
vector = vector,
# 4. Access results from Lua code directly in Godot
# When errors occur, instances of `LuaError` will be returned
if result is LuaError:
printerr("Error in Lua code: ", result)
print(result) # [LuaTable:0x556069ee50ab]
print(result["this_is_a_table"]) # true
print(result["vector"]) # (1, 2)
print(result["invalid key"]) # <null>
# 5. Access the global _G table via `LuaState.globals` property
assert(lua.globals is LuaTable)
lua.globals["a_godot_callable"] = func(): print("Hello from GDScript!")
a_godot_callable() -- 'Hello from GDScript!'
Calling Godot from Lua
- Instantiate and manipulate Godot objects, just like in GDScript.
local v = Vector3(1, 2, 3) print(v.x) -- 1 -- Note: use ":" instead of "." to call methods in Lua print(v:length()) -- 3.74165749549866 local n = Node:new() print(n:is_inside_tree()) -- false n:queue_free()
- Call Godot utility functions.
local d1 = Dictionary() local d2 = Dictionary() print(is_same(d1, d2)) -- false print(is_same(d2, d2)) -- true print(lerp(5, 10, 0.15)) -- 5.75
- Access singleton objects by name.
assert(OS == Engine:get_singleton("OS"))
- Construct Array/Dictionary using Lua tables.
local array = Array{ "value 0", "value 1" } -- Godot Arrays are indexed from 0, instead of 1 print(array[0]) -- "value 0" print(array[1]) -- "value 1" print(array[2]) -- nil local dict = Dictionary{ hello = "world" } print(dict) -- { "hello": "world" } print(dict["hello"]) -- "world" print(dict["invalid key"]) -- nil
- Iterate over values using
for types that support it, like Arrays, packed arrays, Dictionaries and some math types.local dictionary = Dictionary{ hello = "world", key = "value" } for key, value in pairs(dictionary) do print(key .. ": " .. value) end
- Length operator (
) as a shortcut for calling thesize()
method in any object that supports it.local array = Array{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } print(#array) -- 4
- Runtime type check using the
method.local array = Array() print(, Array)) -- true print(, 'Array')) -- true -- Also available using the method notation from Variant objects print(array:is(Array)) -- true print(array:is(Dictionary)) -- false print(array:is(RefCounted)) -- false
- Making protected calls using
.local v = Vector2(1, 2) print(v:pcall('length')) -- true 2.2360680103302 print(v:pcall('invalid method')) -- false "Invalid method"
Lua scripting in Godot
This addon registers a ScriptLanguageExtension so that Godot objects can be scripted directly in Lua.
For Lua scripts to be usable in Nodes and Resources, they must return a table with the script metadata containing methods, properties, signals, etc...
-- This is our script metadata table.
-- It stores metadata such as its base class, global class_name, icon,
-- as well as any declared properties, methods and signals
local LuaBouncingLogo = {
-- base class (optional, defaults to RefCounted)
extends = Sprite2D,
-- if true, allow the script to be executed by the editor (optional)
tool = false,
-- global class name (optional)
class_name = "LuaBouncingLogo",
-- Declare properties
linear_velocity = export(100),
initial_angle = export({
type = float,
default = 0,
hint_string = "0,360,degrees"
-- Declare signals
bounced = signal(),
-- Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
function LuaBouncingLogo:_ready()
self.position = self:get_viewport():get_size() / 2
self.movement = Vector2(self.linear_velocity, 0):rotated(deg_to_rad(self.initial_angle))
-- Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
function LuaBouncingLogo:_process(delta)
local viewport_size = self:get_viewport():get_size()
local viewport_rect = Rect2(Vector2(), viewport_size)
if not viewport_rect:encloses(self.global_transform * self:get_rect()) then
self.movement = self.movement:rotated(deg_to_rad(90))
self.position = self.position + self.movement * delta
-- Return the metadata table for the script to be usable by Godot objects
return LuaBouncingLogo
- Bind Variant types to Lua
- Bind utility functions to Lua
- Bind enums and constants to Lua
- Add support for getting global singletons from Lua
- Add support for getting classes from Lua
- Add support for
relative paths inrequire
- Add support for
ing signals - Submit to Asset Library
- Lua ScriptLanguageExtension
- Add support for property hints / usage flags (including export)
- Add support for property getter / setter
- Add
functions mimicking GDScript annotations for better UX
- Support for building with LuaJIT
- Support WebAssembly platform
- Support Windows arm64 platform
- Support Linux arm32, arm64 and rv64 platform
- Use framework in iOS (possibly a xcframework supporting the iOS simulator as well)
- Automated unit tests
- Automated build and distribution
- Lua REPL editor plugin
Other projects for using Lua in Godot 4
Automatic C# bindings generator for GDExtension classes
How to use:
1. Import your GDExtensions
2. Enable the C# GDExtension Bindgen plugin in "Project Settings... -> Plugins" tab
3. Click in the menu item "Project -> Tools -> Generate C# GDExtension Bindings" whenever you want to regenerate C# bindings
4. Enjoy \o/
Quick Information

Automatic C# bindings generator for GDExtension classesHow to use:1. Import your GDExtensions2. Enable the C# GDExtension Bindgen plugin in "Project Settings... -> Plugins" tab3. Click in the menu item "Project -> Tools -> Generate C# GDExtension Bindings" whenever you want to regenerate C# bindings4. Enjoy \o/