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Exponaut - Nonlinearity and strategic scoring based platformer

An asset by Pawlogates
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Exponaut - Nonlinearity and strategic scoring based platformer thumbnail image
Exponaut - Nonlinearity and strategic scoring based platformer thumbnail image
Exponaut - Nonlinearity and strategic scoring based platformer thumbnail image
Exponaut - Nonlinearity and strategic scoring based platformer thumbnail image
Exponaut - Nonlinearity and strategic scoring based platformer thumbnail image
Exponaut - Nonlinearity and strategic scoring based platformer thumbnail image
Exponaut - Nonlinearity and strategic scoring based platformer image holder but it is empty

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Exponaut - Nonlinearity and strategic scoring based platformer icon image
Exponaut - Nonlinearity and strategic scoring based platformer

This project is a (work in progress) 2d platformer with advanced saving/loading support, nonlinear area transitions with every object's state persisting between them, smooth background layer replacement behaviour, a cool scoring system, an enemy/block/collectible behaviour editor used for easily creating complex object behaviour, and A LOT more. Also if you enjoy the game, consider replaying it and aiming for a higher score! The scoring mechanics in this game were a big focus for me.Game's page - - discord nickname is Pawlogates, if you'd like to ask me something.

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Modified Date
2 months ago
Issue URL

This project is a (work in progress) 2d platformer with quicksave support, nonlinear area transitions with every object's state persisting between them, smooth background layers replacement behaviour, a cool scoring system, an enemy/block/collectible behaviour editor used for easily creating complex objects behaviour, and A LOT more. Also if you enjoy the game, consider replaying it and aiming for a higher score! The scoring mechanics in this game were a big focus for me.

My discord nickname is Pawlogates, if you'd like to ask me something.

Some gameplay footage:

This project is a (work in progress) 2d platformer with advanced saving/loading support, nonlinear area transitions with every object's state persisting between them, smooth background layer replacement behaviour, a cool scoring system, an enemy/block/collectible behaviour editor used for easily creating complex object behaviour, and A LOT more. Also if you enjoy the game, consider replaying it and aiming for a higher score! The scoring mechanics in this game were a big focus for me.

Game's page -

Repo -

My discord nickname is Pawlogates, if you'd like to ask me something.


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Exponaut - Nonlinearity and strategic scoring based platformer icon image
Exponaut - Nonlinearity and strategic scoring based platformer

This project is a (work in progress) 2d platformer with advanced saving/loading support, nonlinear area transitions with every object's state persisting between them, smooth background layer replacement behaviour, a cool scoring system, an enemy/block/collectible behaviour editor used for easily creating complex object behaviour, and A LOT more. Also if you enjoy the game, consider replaying it and aiming for a higher score! The scoring mechanics in this game were a big focus for me.Game's page - - discord nickname is Pawlogates, if you'd like to ask me something.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
2 months ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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