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To maintain one source of truth, Godot Asset Library is just a mirror of the old asset library so you can download directly on Godot via the integrated asset library browser

Quick Information

Operations provides a quick and efficient way to programmatically create animations and complex behavior trees in the Godot game engine. A large collection of built-in operations are provided, with custom operations being very easy to make. It is available in both C# and GDSCript. For more information, API usage, and examples see the Github repo.
Operations provides a quick and efficient way to programmatically create animations and complex behavior trees in the Godot game engine. A large collection of built-in operations are provided, with custom operations being very easy to make.
Example usage for the death animation of a 2D character may look like this:
var character = ...
var op =
Op.node_move2D(Vector2(0, 32), 2.0),
Op.node_scale2D(Vector2(2.0, 2.0), 1.0),
Op.node_rotate2D(90.0, 1.0)),
Op.node_modulate(Color(1, 0, 0, 0), 1.0),
Example usage for the behavior tree of a basic cow may look like this:
var cow = ...
var op =
eat().set_guard(grass_nearby()) # Custom operation and guard
die().set_guard(hunger_guard(0)) # Custom operation and guard
wander() # Custom operation
Custom Operations
All operations extend from the Operation base class. A custom operation need only implement the Act() method. Although, many should also override the Restart(), Reset(), and End() methods. See the Operation class for all overridable methods, and built-in operations for common usage. For time based operations, extend TimeOperation or NRelativeOperation.
A basic example that prints a message and immediately returns a success status code:
class_name CustomOperation
extends Operation
var message : string
func act(delta : float) -> Status:
return Status.Succeeded
func reset():
message = null
Utility Methods
All operations define a method in the Op class for easy static usage (see prior examples). Adding utility methods for your custom classes requires you create a new class:
class_name Ops
extends Object
static func custom(message : string) -> CustomOperation:
var operation =
operation.message = message
return operation
Operations can target a specifc object. Setting the target on an operation will set the target for all of its children, if the child does not already have a target. This allows a single operation to act on different nodes (or custom objects):
var cow = ...
var human = ...
var cat = ...
var op =
Op.node_rotate2D(-90, 2.0) # This operation will target the cow, since no target was specified
Op.node_rotate2D(90, 2.0).set_target(human),
).set_target(cow) # This will set the target for all children that don't have a target
Operations can optionally have a guard operation set. The actual usage of the guard is left up to the individual operation. For example, the GuardSelectorOperation runs the first child operation whose guard returns a successful status code. A guard is simply an Operation that can be evaluated as SUCCEEDED or FAILED in a single frame. Setting a guard is easy:
# Example of a custom guard
class_name IsHitGuard
extends Operation
var hit : bool
func act(delta : float) -> Status:
return Status.Succeeded if hit else Status.Failed
# Example usage of a custom guard
var human = ...
var op =
Op.node_rotate2D(-90, 2.0).set_guard(is_hit_guard()), # Custom operation guard
Op.node_rotate2D(90, 2.0).set_guard(is_hit_guard()) # Custom operation guard
In order for an operation to run it has to be added to an Operator. Operator is simply a class that is responsible for storing and processing operations. If an operation is added without a target set, the target will automatically be set to the SceneTree Root.
var oper =
# In ready()
var op = ...
# In process()
Optionally, you can choose to run operations individually in order to implement a custom solution.
var op = ...
# In process()
if op != null and Operator.process_single(get_tree(), op):
op = null
Operations provides a quick and efficient way to programmatically create animations and complex behavior trees in the Godot game engine. A large collection of built-in operations are provided, with custom operations being very easy to make. It is available in both C# and GDSCript. For more information, API usage, and examples see the Github repo.
Quick Information

Operations provides a quick and efficient way to programmatically create animations and complex behavior trees in the Godot game engine. A large collection of built-in operations are provided, with custom operations being very easy to make. It is available in both C# and GDSCript. For more information, API usage, and examples see the Github repo.