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2D CRPG Character Controller

An asset by sirsnowy7
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
2D CRPG Character Controller hero image

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2D CRPG Character Controller

This is a controller for creating a CRPG world that a player can explore and interact with. Included is a script for a character the player can use mouse clicking to navigate with inside of a NavigationRegion2D, and a camera that allows for zooming in and out. Also included are interactable components, which may be added to objects and extended with GDscript to add functionality to by overriding the interact() function.

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5 days ago
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Godot 2D CRPG Character Controller

This addon is a very basic drag and drop solution for creating a CRPG world that a player can explore and interact with. Included is a script for a character the player can use mouse clicking to navigate with inside of a NavigationRegion2D, and a camera that allows for zooming in and out. Also are interactable components, which may be added to objects and extended with GDscript to add functionality to by overriding the interact() function.

To use, create a NavigationRegion2D with your world. Add the crpg_character2d scene into this scene. In your input map, bind actions for movement and zooming. By default, these actions should be mapped to "left_click" to navigate, and "zoom_in" and "zoom_out" for camera control.


Icon from Delapouite @

This is a controller for creating a CRPG world that a player can explore and interact with. Included is a script for a character the player can use mouse clicking to navigate with inside of a NavigationRegion2D, and a camera that allows for zooming in and out. Also included are interactable components, which may be added to objects and extended with GDscript to add functionality to by overriding the interact() function.


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2D CRPG Character Controller icon image
2D CRPG Character Controller

This is a controller for creating a CRPG world that a player can explore and interact with. Included is a script for a character the player can use mouse clicking to navigate with inside of a NavigationRegion2D, and a camera that allows for zooming in and out. Also included are interactable components, which may be added to objects and extended with GDscript to add functionality to by overriding the interact() function.

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Modified Date
5 days ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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