A Dialogue Box

An asset by divirad
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A Dialogue Box icon image
A Dialogue Box

Easy to use dialogue box for all kind of games with not many features.Only the directory "addons/adbox" is necessaryHow to use in a scene:Activate the plugin. Another class `DialogueBox` is now added to your editor. You can now add it as a childnode to a scene. This new class has some script variables you have to set before using it.Message Sound: The sound that is played with each letter. (WAV)Font: the font you want to use.Action Name: the name of the action to be used to jump to the next message.Wait Time: The time to wait between each letter.Block Time: The time in which a dialog box-related input is going to be blocked immediately after the dialog box is closed.Margin Top Bottom: Margin size of top and bottomMargin Left Right: Margin size of left and rightSignalsdialogue_exit: when a dialog box is closed, it sends this signal.Code-Example:if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_down"): $DialogueBox.talk(["Message 1","Message 2", "Message 3", "Message 4"])

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Modified Date
4 years ago
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Easy to use dialogue box for all kind of games with not many features.

Set up in edtior

Only the directorie "addons/adbox" is necessary id you want t

Set up in a scene

Activate the plugin. Another class DialogueBox is now added to your editor. You can now add it as a childnode to a scene. This new class has some script variables you have to set before using it.

Message Sound: The sound that is played with each letter. (WAV)
Font: the font you want to use.
Action Name: the name of the action to be used to jump to the next message.
Wait Time: The time to wait between each letter.
Block Time: The time in which a dialog box-related input is going to be blocked immediately after the dialog box is closed.
Margin Top Bottom: Margin size of top and bottom
Margin Left Right: Margin size of left and right

Set up in code


if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_down"):
  $DialogueBox.talk(["Message 1","Message 2", "Message 3", "Message 4"])


dialogue_exit: when the dialog box is closed, it sends this signal.


Used Art From https://opengameart.org/content/10-basic-message-boxes

Used Soundeffect From https://opengameart.org/content/8-bit-sound-effects-library

Used Font From https://www.dafont.com/press-start-2p.font

Easy to use dialogue box for all kind of games with not many features.

Only the directory "addons/adbox" is necessary

How to use in a scene:
Activate the plugin. Another class `DialogueBox` is now added to your editor. You can now add it as a childnode to a scene. This new class has some script variables you have to set before using it.

Message Sound: The sound that is played with each letter. (WAV)
Font: the font you want to use.
Action Name: the name of the action to be used to jump to the next message.
Wait Time: The time to wait between each letter.
Block Time: The time in which a dialog box-related input is going to be blocked immediately after the dialog box is closed.
Margin Top Bottom: Margin size of top and bottom
Margin Left Right: Margin size of left and right

dialogue_exit: when a dialog box is closed, it sends this signal.


if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_down"):
$DialogueBox.talk(["Message 1","Message 2", "Message 3", "Message 4"])


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Quick Information

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A Dialogue Box icon image
A Dialogue Box

Easy to use dialogue box for all kind of games with not many features.Only the directory "addons/adbox" is necessaryHow to use in a scene:Activate the plugin. Another class `DialogueBox` is now added to your editor. You can now add it as a childnode to a scene. This new class has some script variables you have to set before using it.Message Sound: The sound that is played with each letter. (WAV)Font: the font you want to use.Action Name: the name of the action to be used to jump to the next message.Wait Time: The time to wait between each letter.Block Time: The time in which a dialog box-related input is going to be blocked immediately after the dialog box is closed.Margin Top Bottom: Margin size of top and bottomMargin Left Right: Margin size of left and rightSignalsdialogue_exit: when a dialog box is closed, it sends this signal.Code-Example:if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_down"): $DialogueBox.talk(["Message 1","Message 2", "Message 3", "Message 4"])

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
4 years ago
Issue URL

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Released under the AGPLv3 license

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