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Open Ocean Demo

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Open Ocean Demo

An Ocean demo for Godot 3.0.For instructions on how to play the demo, read the README file that comes with the download.

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6 years ago
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An ocean demo in Godot 3.0. I am very proud of this demo and I want to thank you for trying it out.

How to customize the ocean

The ocean demo uses what's known as Gerstner waves. A constant collection of them is used to create that wavy feel of the waters. It also uses a lil bit of noise to really sell the effect. Both of these features are customizable with almost self-explanatory parameters.

Main wave parameters

-Amplitude defines how high your waves will be.

-Wavelength defines how long your waves will be.

-Steepness defines how 'choppy' your waves will be. Don't set this too high or else your waves will start self-intersecting.

-Wind Direction controls the direction the overall waves would go.

-Wind Align also determines each wave's individual direction. A value of one means they all go in the exact same direction. A value of zero means waves go in completely random directions.

-Speed controls how fast the waves propagates.

-Seed determines the final parameters of each wave. Find the seed that you like the best.

Noise parameters

-Noise Enabled. Yeah. Whether to use noise at all.

-Noise Amp controls how high the noise looks.

-Noise Freq controls the smoothness/granularity of the noise. Higher values make it smoother and less granular.

-Noise Speed controls how fast the waves propagate.

First Person Control

When running the project(sorry if it's slow to load. I'm looking into that.) You can fly around. Look at your ocean from every angle. And you can do so like this.

-Use your mouse to look around.

-W key go forward.

-S key go backward.

-A key go left.

-D key go right.

-Q key toggle between fly and edit mode. You cant play with the ocean parameters and fly at the same time.


The flying code is from Jeremy Bullock's youtube tutorial series on first person control.

An Ocean demo for Godot 3.0.
For instructions on how to play the demo, read the README file that comes with the download.


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Open Ocean Demo icon image
Open Ocean Demo

An Ocean demo for Godot 3.0.For instructions on how to play the demo, read the README file that comes with the download.

Supported Engine Version
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Modified Date
6 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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