Layered Sprite is a Godot tool to easily divide a sprite in layers. It can be used for customizable characters.
Third person shooter (TPS) demo made using Godot Engine.The minimum Godot version is 3.4, earlier versions will not work.
Godot VoIP 🎙🌐 is a Godot addon which makes it very easy to setup a real time voice chat system in your Godot game. This addon also includes a demo project.
Music conductor for track mixing and syncing game events to music beats.
Demo of multitouch input and different gestures using the touch API. This demo is meant to be used with a touch-enabled device such as a phone or tablet.Language: GDScriptRenderer: GLES 2
I found it difficult to track down a simple GPU version of the Game of Life in Godot so I built one as part of a step in another project.This project uses only shaders to calculate the previous & next steps for the cellular automata. GDscript is used here only to input mouse coordinates & button presses for
A demo for my scrolling backgrounds tool.
A simple example scene, showing how to create a FPS camera.If you'd like to give me some feedback, or you'd like to help improve this demo, please leave a comment here:
A simple demo that shows how to use the Godot Touch Input Manager (GDTIM) and its capabilities.
Terraria-like inventory system.This asset have the following systems: storage, load, inventory, item data, custom mouse cursor.You can create your own items, storages + ui to them, custom cursor.Also you can add hotkeys like shift+click to equip etc.Everything else is described in readme file on GitHub.
Example Godot Project demonstrating gamepad and phone rumble.
DEMO: controls:'W' - Move forward'S' - Move backward'A' - Move left'D' - Move right'Left Ctrl' (hold/toggle) - CrouchPick up controls:'E' (toggle) - Pickup object'T' + Mouse move (while holding an object) - Rotate object in space'Left click' (while holding an object) - Throw objectHow to use the pickup?To allow and object to be picked up, you will need to create the rigid body object using the LightProp custom node. Only objects using this node will be allowed to be picked up.The rigid body to be picked up will react to its surroundings. Blocked by a wall? It won't budge. Try anyway? It will automatically drop the object on the floor.If you do not need the player, you can swap it out with your own player controller. But reattach the Container and the Crosshair node provided in this project as it serves as a way to mount and detect rigid body. Just make sure all the referenced nodes in all the scripts are referenced correctly according to your own hierarchy.Whats fun?Swing the object and release it and the object will be carry on with its momentum. Or use it as a base starter for your next "Amnesia"-esque adventure game.What is not working?The rigid body weight will not influence the way it is picked up but only the throw distance.