The user inputs the size of the map, the sprite of the tiles, and the number of tile. The asset then generates a random map each time the user calls its funtion.The asset is an entire godot scene that already have a map with tiles as an example. To change it you must create your own tilemap and edit the script.
This library is a collection of visual script custom nodes that anyone can use in there projects.So as to make the Visual Scripting WorkFlow in Godot easier to use.
A simple template of a basic Main Menu with option menu
Simple rotation character selector.Used on some old games like Golden Axe.Enjoy!
Godot 3.x First Person Perspective demo/template.Features: Movement (walking, sprinting, jumping, crouching) Using ladders Using stairs Interaction system Picking up (and throwing) objectsAlso showcasing: Different RigidBody physics Animation states for interactable objectsInstructions: Movement: WASD Jump: SPACE Walk: ALT Sprint: CTRL Interact: E Pick up/leave: F Throw: LMB (hold) Reset: R
This is a multiplayer variant of the official 2D Platformer demo. This project supports 2 players.