Install Asset
Install via Godot
To maintain one source of truth, Godot Asset Library is just a mirror of the old asset library so you can download directly on Godot via the integrated asset library browser

Quick Information

Inspired by debug information using ad.p(arg) rather than print(arg)Awesome Debug returns the input argument so it can be dropped into existing code without issue.
Inspired by
Better debug information using ad.p(arg)
rather than print(arg)
Awesome Debug returns the input argument so it can be dropped into existing code without issue.
Godot Awesome Debug Print needs to be enabled as a singleton with name "ad"
Debug print with ad.p(arg)
var myString = "Hello World"
1635267189| string| : Hello World _ready 39 res://Player/
Add a description to your debug print with ad.d(description, arg)
var myNumber = 10
ad.d("very important number", myNumber)
1635267628| int| very important number: 10 _ready 39 res://Player/
Turn off each debug print with
or ad.off_d(description, arg)
Enable and disable chunks of debug prints with ad.enable()
and ad.disable()
Inspired by
Better debug information using ad.p(arg) rather than print(arg)
Awesome Debug returns the input argument so it can be dropped into existing code without issue.
Quick Information

Inspired by debug information using ad.p(arg) rather than print(arg)Awesome Debug returns the input argument so it can be dropped into existing code without issue.