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Rabid Hole Punch

An asset by Rabid
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Rabid Hole Punch hero image

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Rabid Hole Punch

Godot plugin that, alongside the Rabid Hole Punch Server, allows peer to peer communication via UDP Hole Punching between devices that are behind NATYou will need to deploy the server in a public accessible machine. Link to the server code: have an example of usage here:

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Modified Date
3 years ago
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Rabid Hole Punch Godot

Godot plugin that, alongside the Rabid Hole Punch Server, allows peer to peer communication via UDP Hole Punching between devices that are behind NAT

Please note that although UDP Hole Punching is a great technique it is not successful 100% of the time due to different NAT and firewall configurations

Installation and configuration

Clone this repository and copy the addons folder into your Godot Project.

Go to Project -> Project Settings -> Plugins -> Enable RabidHolePuncher

The plugin will be always enabled as a singleton, but you have to configure it first to use it.

Inside Godot, open the RabidHolePuncher.tscn file which will be inside "addons/rabidholepuncher/".

Click the node RabidHolePuncher which will be the root of this scene and check the node variables "Relay Server Address" and "Relay server port" and replace those with your relay server address and port (remember you have to set up a public accessible machine with the Rabid Hole Punch Server running for this to work)


You have an example project here if you prefer checking directly how it works.

The RabidHolePuncher singleton has a couple signals and methods to get you running. To understand the requests sent by the plugin to the server you can check the server's readme


create_session(session_name: String, player_name: String, max_players: int = 4, session_pass: String = "")

Call this method to create a session. This will send the host session request with the given parameters

join_session(session_name: String, player_name: String, max_players: int = 4, session_pass: String = "")

Call this method to join a session. This will send the connect session request with the given parameters

kick_player(player_name: String)

Call this method to kick a player from session by its name. Only works if you are already in a session and if you are host, otherwise it does nothing


Call this method to start a session. Only works if you are currently in a session.


Call this method to exit the current session


Returns true if you previously called create_session() as in that case you'd be the host. It does also return true if you connected to a session but the host left and you were the next on the list, so you'd be the new host.


Returns the player name you inputted when calling either create_session() or join_session()


holepunch_progress_update(type, session_name, player_names)

This signal is emitted anytime there is an event regarding the hole punch process. session_name is a String with the name of the session, player_names is an array of Strings with the player names inside the session (note: it is always safe to assume that the first element in the list is the host).

type can be one of the following default Strings (they are all defined as constants in the RabidHolePunch singleton):

Type constant Meaning
STATUS_SESSION_CREATED Emitted after receiving server confirmation that the session has been created
STATUS_SESSION_UPDATED Emitted after receiving a list of players different than the current list of players (example when a user joins or leaves the session)
STATUS_STARTING_SESSION Emitted after the host starts the session and you receive the start session message from the server
STATUS_SENDING_GREETINGS Emitted at the beggining of the "sending greetings" phase
STATUS_SENDING_CONFIRMATIONS Emitted at the beggining of the "sending confirmations phase


This signal is emitted either when the server sends an error response or the client detects an error state. The RabidHolePunch singleton has the following constants to describe the errors:

Server errors:

Error constant Description
ERR_REQUEST_INVALID One of the requests sent was invalid. It is unlikely you'll ever receive this, but bugs can happen
ERR_SESSION_EXISTS Session already exists
ERR_SESSION_NON_EXISTENT Session does not exist (when connecting, for example)
ERR_SESSION_PASSWORD_MISMATCH Incorrect password for session
ERR_SESSION_SINGLE_PLAYER Tried to start a single player session
ERR_SESSION_FULL Session cannot have more players
ERR_SESSION_PLAYER_NAME_IN_USE Player name is already in use in the given session
ERR_SESSION_PLAYER_NON_EXISTENT Player does not exist in the current session (for kick command, for example)
ERR_SESSION_PLAYER_NON_HOST Player is not host, probably tried to execute host command as non host
ERR_SESSION_PLAYER_KICKED_BY_HOST Player was kicked by host
ERR_SESSION_PLAYER_EXIT Player exited session
ERR_SESSION_NOT_STARTED Session has not started yet. You shouldn't receive this message unless you did something really funky
ERR_SESSION_TIMEOUT Session timed out (they have a maximum time to live)
ERR_PLAYER_TIMEOUT Player timed out (server didn't receive ping in a long time from player)

Client errors:

Error constant Description
ERR_SERVER_TIMEOUT Server is not answering and it timed out
ERR_UNREACHABLE_SELF After greetings phase, the client did not receive any greeting so it is considered unreachable
ERR_HOST_NOT_CONFIRMED After confirmations phase, the host did not confirm their port therefore it is considered unreachable and session cannot start

holepunch_success(self_port, host_ip, host_port)

Signal emitted when the holepunch process is successful. Parameters are different on host and clients.

Host does only receive self_port, the other parameters are set to null.

Clients receive self_port, host_ip and host_port.

Use these parameters to start a peer to peer network. You can check the example to see how to do so.

Godot plugin that, alongside the Rabid Hole Punch Server, allows peer to peer communication via UDP Hole Punching between devices that are behind NAT

You will need to deploy the server in a public accessible machine. Link to the server code:

You have an example of usage here:


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Rabid Hole Punch icon image
Rabid Hole Punch

Godot plugin that, alongside the Rabid Hole Punch Server, allows peer to peer communication via UDP Hole Punching between devices that are behind NATYou will need to deploy the server in a public accessible machine. Link to the server code: have an example of usage here:

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
3 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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