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Particles Renderer

An asset by hiulit
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Particles Renderer hero image

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Particles Renderer

Create sprite sheets from particles ✨.

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Modified Date
3 years ago
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Godot Plugin Particles Renderer

README Godot v3.x README release v1.0.0 README MIT license

Create sprite sheets from particles ✨.

README Godot Plugin Particles Renderer Banner

🎦 Demo

README Godot Plugin Particles Renderer Demo

πŸ› οΈ Installation

  • Clone the repository or download it in a ZIP file.
  • Copy the addons/particles_renderer folder to the addons folders in your project.
  • Enable the plugin by going to Project > Project Settings > Plugins > Particles Renderer > Enable.

πŸš€ Usage

To open the plugin, go to: Project > Tools > Particles Renderer.

Once the plugin window is open, go to: File > Open to select a scene.

βš™οΈ Options

Base sprite size

The size that will used for the particles viewport and as base for scaling.

If keep proportions is checked, when changing one value, the other value will be updated with the same value.

Max frames

The number of frames that will be rendered.

The renderer will remove in-between frames from the total frames to match the number set.

If contiguous is checked, the frames will be rendered one after another, without skipping any in-betweens.

If left unset (0), all the frames set in FPS will be rendered.


The maximum number of frames per second which the particles will be rendered on.


The seconds the render process will take.

Not relevant if the particles are set to one_shot.


The scaling factor applied to Base sprite size.

Output path

The path where the sprite sheet will be stored.

If no path is set when a file is opened, the path will automatically be the same as the opened file.

File name

The name of the sprite sheet.

If no name is set when a file is opened, the name will automatically be the same as the opened file.

πŸ—’οΈ Changelog


πŸ‘€ Author

  • hiulit

🀝 Contributing

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πŸ“ Licenses

Create sprite sheets from particles ✨.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Particles Renderer icon image
Particles Renderer

Create sprite sheets from particles ✨.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
3 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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