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A plugin for Godot to preview translations directly inside the editor

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2 months ago
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A plugin for Godot to preview translations directly inside the editor.
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  • Text translation inside the editor: Allows you to view translated lines directly in the Godot editor, without having to start the game.
  • Support for custom nodes: Support for custom nodes is easily added using the tr_editor function, which makes it possible to translate text in custom components.
  • Flexibility in configuration: The ability to add additional translation handlers for different node types via the configuration file

Installation Guide

Asset Library Installation

  1. Open the "AssetLib" tab in the Godot Editor.
  2. Search for "TranslationPreview" in the search bar.
  3. Click the download button next to the TranslationPreview plugin.
  4. In the installation window, select the files you want to install and click "Install".
  5. Once the installation is complete, go to "Project" -> "Project Settings" -> "Plugins".
  6. Find the TranslationPreview plugin in the list and enable it by checking the box next to it.

Installation from GitHub

  1. Visit the TranslationPreview plugin GitHub repository.
  2. Navigate to the Releases page.
  3. Download the latest stable release version.
  4. Extract the downloaded files into your Godot project's addons folder.


After enabling the plugin, an option button will appear in the toolbar (top-right corner). If translations are uploaded to the project, you can click the button and select a language to preview.

[!NOTE] After making changes to your translation file, you must restart the project in the Godot Editor for the changes to take effect

Adding Previews for Custom Nodes

To add a translation preview to your node, you need to implement a method called tr_editor. This method handles the logic for switching between translation and original text modes. Below is a guide and example implementation.

Method Overview:

The tr_editor method takes two parameters:

  • translation_mode (bool): Indicates whether translation mode is active.
  • nodes_data (Dictionary): Stores the original text/data for nodes to allow toggling between translated and original versions.

Return value:
The method should return the updated nodes_data, which contains the state for each node, as well as the saved original texts, if necessary.

Example Implementation

Here is an example implementation of tr_editor, designed to translate a Label's text:

func tr_editor(translation_mode: bool, nodes_data: Dictionary) -> Dictionary:
    if translation_mode:
        if not nodes_data.has(self):
            nodes_data[self] = text  # Save the original text
        # A custom TranslationService is used, since the built-in TranslationServer does not translate inside the editor
        text = TranslationService.translate(nodes_data[self])  # Translate the text
        if nodes_data.has(self):
            text = nodes_data[self]  # Restore the original text
            nodes_data.erase(self)  # Remove the entry from the dictionary
    return nodes_data

Adding Translation Previews for Nodes from Addons

If you need to add translation support for nodes from addons, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Translation Handler File
    Create a file, for example, and add the following content:

    extends Object
    # A dictionary mapping node class names to their respective handlers
    var handlers := {
        "AddonNodeClassName": tr_addon_node,  # Replace with the actual class name of your addon node
    # Translation handler function for addon nodes
    func tr_addon_node(node: AddonNode, translation_mode: bool, nodes_data: Dictionary) -> Dictionary:
        if translation_mode:
            if not nodes_data.has(node):
                nodes_data[node] =  # Save the original node data
            # Use TranslationService because the built-in TranslationServer does not work inside the editor
   = TranslationService.translate(nodes_data[node])  # Translate the node data
            if nodes_data.has(node):
       = nodes_data[node]  # Restore the original node data
                nodes_data.erase(node)  # Remove the entry from the dictionary
        return nodes_data
  2. Configure the Handler Path in Project Settings
    In your project settings, navigate to translation_preview/translation_handlers_path and set the path to the file you created, for example:


Code Explanation

  • handlers: A dictionary where the keys are the names of the addon node classes, and the values are functions that handle their translation logic.
  • tr_addon_node: A translation handler function for addon nodes. It:
    1. Saves the node's original data when translation mode is enabled.
    2. Uses TranslationService to translate the node's data.
    3. Restores the original data when translation mode is disabled.
  • nodes_data: A dictionary that maps nodes to their original data, ensuring the ability to toggle between translated and original text.

A plugin for Godot to preview translations directly inside the editor


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Quick Information

0 ratings
TranslationPreview icon image

A plugin for Godot to preview translations directly inside the editor

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
2 months ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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