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Scaffolder: Opinionated app scaffolding

An asset by levi
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Scaffolder: Opinionated app scaffolding hero image

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Scaffolder: Opinionated app scaffolding icon image
Scaffolder: Opinionated app scaffolding

NOTE: Consider this a pre-alpha release. This framework still has many rough edges, is still changing a lot, and is possibly a lot more inflexible than you would want (it makes a lot of assumptions about how you've structured your app).This is an opinionated framework that provides a bunch of general-purpose application scaffolding and utility functionality for games in Godot.Some features include:- Configurable UI and camera scaling to adapt to the current viewport.- Optional analytics based on the proprietary third-party Google Analytics service.- Optional automatic crash log reporting based on the proprietary third-party Google Cloud Storage service.- Screen layout and navigation.- Lots of useful utility functions (e.g., Time, Geometry, DrawUtils, Audio).- A widget library (e.g., AccordionPanel, LabeledControlList)Probably the easiest way to get set up is to copy the Squirrel Away example app, and then adjust it to fit your needs ( more details at

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3 years ago
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The Scaffolder icon, showing construction scaffolding

Example app

Godot Asset Library

An opinionated framework providing a bunch of general-purpose application scaffolding and utility functionality for games in Godot.

NOTE: Consider this a pre-alpha release. This framework still has many rough edges, is still changing a lot, and is possibly a lot more inflexible than you would want (it makes a lot of assumptions about how you've structured your app).

Some features include:

  • Configurable UI and camera scaling to adapt to the current viewport.
  • Optional analytics based on the proprietary third-party Google Analytics service.
  • Optional automatic crash log reporting based on the proprietary third-party Google Cloud Storage service.
  • Screen layout and navigation.
  • Lots of useful utility functions (e.g., Time, Geometry, DrawUtils, Audio).
  • A widget library (e.g., AccordionPanel, LabeledControlList)

Getting set up

See this separate doc for getting your project set up to work with Scaffolder.

NOTE: You'll need to move this libarary to your addons/ folder. If you are installing this with the in-editor AssetLib utility, you will need to move the files afterward!


Lots of useful utility functions

It might just be easiest to scroll through some of the following files to see what sorts of functions are included:

A widget library

For example:

Viewport scaling

This framework handles viewport scaling directly.

This provides some powerful benefits over Godot's standard behaviors, but requires you to be careful with how you define your GUI layouts.

Handling camera zoom

This provides limited flexibility in how far the camera is zoomed. That is, you will be able to see more of the level on a larger screen, but not too much more of the level. Similarly, on a wider screen, you will be able to able to see more from side to side, but not too much more.

  • You can configure a minimum and maximum aspect ratio for the game region.
  • You can configure a default screen size and aspect ratio that the levels are designed around.
  • At runtime, if the current viewport aspect ratio is greater than the max or less than the min, bars will be shown along the sides or top and bottom of the game area.
  • At runtime, the camera zoom will be adjusted so that the same amount of level is showing, either vertically or horizontally, as would be visible with the configured default screen size. If the screen aspect ratio is different than the default, then a little more of the level is visible in the other direction.
  • Any annotations that are drawn in the separate annotations CanvasLayer are automatically transformed to match whatever the game-area's current zoom and position is.
  • Click positions can also be transformed to match the game area.

Handling GUI scale

  • At runtime, a gui_scale value is calculated according to how the current screen resolution compares to the expected default screen resolution, as described above.
  • Then all fonts, styleboxes, and icons—which are registered with the scaffold configuration—are resized according to this gui_scale.
  • Then the size, position, and scale of all GUI nodes are also updated accordingly.

Constraints for how you define your GUI layouts

TODO: List any other constraints/tips.

  • Avoid custom positions, except maybe for centering images. For example:
    • Instead of encoding a margin/offset, use a VBoxContainer or HBoxContainer parent, and include an empty spacer sibling with size or min-size.
    • This is especially important when your positioning is calculated to include bottom/right-side margins.
  • Centering images:
    • To center an image, I often place a TextureRect inside of a Control inside of some time of auto-positioning container.
    • I then set the image position in this way: TextureRect.rect_position = -TextureRect.rect_size/2.
    • This wrapper pattern also works well when I need to scale the image.
  • In general, whenever possible, I find it helpful to use a VBoxContainer or HBoxContainer as a parent, and to have children use the shrink-center size flag for both horizontal and vertical directions along with a min-size.


This feature depends on the proprietary third-party Google Analytics service.

  • Fortunately, Google Analytics is at least free to use.
  • To get started with Google Analytics, read this doc.
  • To learn more about the "Measurement Protocol" API that this class uses to send event info, read this doc.
  • To learn more about the "Reporting API" you could use to run arbitrary queries on your recorded analytics, read this doc.

"Privacy Policy" and "Terms and Conditions" documents

If you intend to record any sort of user data (including app-usage analytics or crash logs), you should create a "Privacy Policy" document and a "Terms and Conditions" document. These are often legally required when recording any sort of app-usage data. Fortunately, there are a lot of tools out there to help you easily generate these documents. You could then easily host these as view-only Google Docs.

Here are two such generator tools that might be useful, and at least have free-trial options:

DISCLAIMER: I'm not a lawyer, so don't interpret anything from this framework as legal advice, and make sure you understand which laws you need to obey.

Automatic error/crash reporting

This feature currently depends on the proprietary third-party Google Cloud Storage service. But you could easily override it to upload logs somewhere else.

Screen layout and navigation

  • You can control transitions through Sc.nav.
  • It is easy to include custom screens and exclude default screens.
  • Here are some of the default screns included:
    • Main menu
    • About
    • Settings
      • Configurable to display checkboxes, dropdowns, or plain text for whatever settings you might want to support.
    • Level select
    • Game/level
    • Pause
    • Notification
      • Configurable to display custom text and buttons as needed.
    • Game over


The Scaffolder icon, showing construction scaffolding

NOTE: Consider this a pre-alpha release. This framework still has many rough edges, is still changing a lot, and is possibly a lot more inflexible than you would want (it makes a lot of assumptions about how you've structured your app).

This is an opinionated framework that provides a bunch of general-purpose application scaffolding and utility functionality for games in Godot.

Some features include:

- Configurable UI and camera scaling to adapt to the current viewport.
- Optional analytics based on the proprietary third-party Google Analytics service.
- Optional automatic crash log reporting based on the proprietary third-party Google Cloud Storage service.
- Screen layout and navigation.
- Lots of useful utility functions (e.g., Time, Geometry, DrawUtils, Audio).
- A widget library (e.g., AccordionPanel, LabeledControlList)

Probably the easiest way to get set up is to copy the Squirrel Away example app, and then adjust it to fit your needs (

See more details at


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Scaffolder: Opinionated app scaffolding icon image
Scaffolder: Opinionated app scaffolding

NOTE: Consider this a pre-alpha release. This framework still has many rough edges, is still changing a lot, and is possibly a lot more inflexible than you would want (it makes a lot of assumptions about how you've structured your app).This is an opinionated framework that provides a bunch of general-purpose application scaffolding and utility functionality for games in Godot.Some features include:- Configurable UI and camera scaling to adapt to the current viewport.- Optional analytics based on the proprietary third-party Google Analytics service.- Optional automatic crash log reporting based on the proprietary third-party Google Cloud Storage service.- Screen layout and navigation.- Lots of useful utility functions (e.g., Time, Geometry, DrawUtils, Audio).- A widget library (e.g., AccordionPanel, LabeledControlList)Probably the easiest way to get set up is to copy the Squirrel Away example app, and then adjust it to fit your needs ( more details at

Supported Engine Version
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License Version
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Modified Date
3 years ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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