VisualScript CustomNodes

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VisualScript CustomNodes

A Library of VisualScript custom nodes and examples of how to create your own.

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3 years ago
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github, issues


A Library of visualscriptnodes to extend Godot VisualScript 10+ new nodes in 5 categories. multiple examples of how to create your own nodes. 2 new class of VisualScriptCustomNode to implement easier node creation

Getting started

Drag a node from the library in to a VisualScript


In 'res://vs_node_library/z templates and examples/' you may find examples for VisualScriptCustomNode (vsc) and VisualScriptCustomFunc (vsf) These are there to help you create your own.


If you want to contribute your work to this library simple post your script and maybe a small demo project of its implementation on the GitHub issues page.

Creating a new custom node

  1. Custom Node GODOT DOCS From Godot3.4 you will be able to overwrite,

    func _get_input_value_port_hint(idx):
        return TYPE_...
    func _get_input_value_port_hint_string(idx):
        return ""
    func _get_output_value_port_hint(idx):
        return PROPERTY_HINT_...
    func _get_output_value_port_hint_string(idx):
        return ""
  2. Function Node

    1. To create a new node you have to create a new tool script.
    2. extends VisualScriptCustomFunc
    3. Overwrite function _custom_function()
    4. Node_name is the same as the script_name.
    extends VisualScriptCustomFunc
    func _custom_function():
        return "value"
    1. On init you are able to set if the node default is sequenced.
    2. On init you are able to give input and output clues.
    func _init():
        sequenced = true
        _input_clues = [
                {"name":"in1", "value": 3.0},
                {"name":"in2", "value": Vector3.FORWARD},
        _output_clues = [
                {"name":"out1", "type":TYPE_VECTOR3},
                {"name":"out2", "value"},
  3. Drag this script in your VisualScript Alternatively you are able to create a VisualScriptCustomNode and assign the script to it.

advanced users

_input_clues and _output_clues

Just like in other scripts you would like to expose more details about your variable to the editor so that the editor in return will help you specifie that information.

Therefore VisualScriptCustomFunc has two arrays _input_clues _output_clues which you may populate on _init() wit property dictionary’s to help the editor, colleagues read the intent.

Property dictionary’s are able to hold 5 key values.

  • "name" = String
  • "type" = int (Variant.Type TYPE_...)
  • "value" = any
  • "hint" = int (PropertyHint PROPERTY_HINT_...)
  • "hint_string" = String

By default the node will try to guess as many clues as possible. The specified clues overrule this automated guess. :::info Default argument names and values are not yet working as intended so always specify them by using _input_clues _output_clues :::

_output_clues extra

The return type will be used to for _output_clues. When there is no return.type or return.type is TYPE_ARRAY. You are able to hint and use multiple output ports.

  1. Return type is Array or nothing.
  2. _output_clues needs multiple property dictionary’s
  3. Function must return array of values


The sequence port of VisualScriptCustomFunc is optional. By default sequenced is false. When you have a function that is not returning any value it will be best to default sequenced to true on _init().


Please do not overwrite VisualScriptCustomNode functions.

Known issues


  • Will run singlton actions like Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) on the ditor.
    • Running the function in editor is overkill it is the only way to automaticly get full output information


  • Property dictionary’s not able to get name, value from function definition.

Appendix and FAQ

:::info Want to contribute to the library? Leave a comment on the GitHub issues :::

Other Links

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A Library of VisualScript custom nodes and examples of how to create your own.


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Quick Information

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VisualScript CustomNodes icon image
VisualScript CustomNodes

A Library of VisualScript custom nodes and examples of how to create your own.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
3 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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