Color Picker Text Button

An asset by Andrew Wilkes
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Color Picker Text Button hero image

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Color Picker Text Button icon image
Andrew Wilkes
Color Picker Text Button

Plugin for a custom node similar to the ColorPickerButton node but with a text label.

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Modified Date
2 years ago
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Color Picker Text Button

Plugin for a custom node similar to the ColorPickerButton node but with a text label.

README Screen Shot

Features of the button

  • it uses a style box that is modulated with the picked color
  • the color of the text is flipped between a light and dark color to give good contrast with the background color
  • the color picker is simplified by default, removing the sliders
  • a tool script automatically copies the style and darkens the shade for the button states


Activate the plugin in Project Settings.

After adding a ColorPickerTextButton node to your scene, you may customize the Script Variables in the Inspector panel.

The label text is changed via the Text Value variable, and the Button text value is deleted/ignored.

To confirm a color selection, click outside the color picker panel.

To reset the Button Style, uncheck the boxes in Button Custom Styles and click the reset button for the Style Script Variable.

Drop a new StyleBox Resource into the Style Script Variable entry box to change the Button Styles.

The fresh property is used as a flag to indicate to the script that the button is new and may be initialized with a size and style.


  • popup_hide - emitted when the popup panel is closed
  • color_changed(color) - emitted as the selected color is changed

Other signals are as per the Button Node.

Plugin for a custom node similar to the ColorPickerButton node but with a text label.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Color Picker Text Button icon image
Andrew Wilkes
Color Picker Text Button

Plugin for a custom node similar to the ColorPickerButton node but with a text label.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
2 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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