
An asset by ACB_Gamez
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Particles2D+ image holder but it is empty

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Simple Class that creates a "particles_cycle_finished" signal to eliminate needing to add timers to all of your particle nodes. This is emitted when your particles' lifetime expires and accounts for preprocessing and randomness. Please report any bugs by opening an issue on GitHub.Also adds a one_shot_start property that will tell the particle to emit only once when it is instanced. This is exactly the same as setting one_shot = true and then emitting = true in the _ready() function, but allows you to edit your particles node while emitting is true and without needing to add a script to accomplish this.TWO WAYS TO USE1. Create a Particles2D node (or use an existing one), add a script, change extends Particles2D to extends Particles2D_Plus.2. Click the built-in "Create New Node" button (CMD+A) and search for the "Particles2D_Plus" node, add it to your scene as you would normally.PLUGACB_Gamez YouTube Channel:

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Modified Date
2 years ago
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Particles2D_Plus README Particles2D+_AssetLibIcon


Simple Class that creates a "particles_cycle_finished" signal to eliminate needing to add timers to all of your particle nodes. This is emitted when the your particles' lifetime expires and accounts for preprocessing and randomness. Please report any bugs by opening an Issue on GitHub.


  1. Create a Particles2D node (or use an existing one), add a script, change extends Particles2D to extends Particles2D_Plus.
  2. Click the built in "Create New Node" button (CMD+A) and search for the "Particles2D_Plus" node, add it to your scene as you would normally.


ACB_Gamez YouTube Channel

Simple Class that creates a "particles_cycle_finished" signal to eliminate needing to add timers to all of your particle nodes. This is emitted when your particles' lifetime expires and accounts for preprocessing and randomness. Please report any bugs by opening an issue on GitHub.

Also adds a one_shot_start property that will tell the particle to emit only once when it is instanced. This is exactly the same as setting one_shot = true and then emitting = true in the _ready() function, but allows you to edit your particles node while emitting is true and without needing to add a script to accomplish this.

1. Create a Particles2D node (or use an existing one), add a script, change extends Particles2D to extends Particles2D_Plus.
2. Click the built-in "Create New Node" button (CMD+A) and search for the "Particles2D_Plus" node, add it to your scene as you would normally.

ACB_Gamez YouTube Channel:


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Particles2D+ icon image

Simple Class that creates a "particles_cycle_finished" signal to eliminate needing to add timers to all of your particle nodes. This is emitted when your particles' lifetime expires and accounts for preprocessing and randomness. Please report any bugs by opening an issue on GitHub.Also adds a one_shot_start property that will tell the particle to emit only once when it is instanced. This is exactly the same as setting one_shot = true and then emitting = true in the _ready() function, but allows you to edit your particles node while emitting is true and without needing to add a script to accomplish this.TWO WAYS TO USE1. Create a Particles2D node (or use an existing one), add a script, change extends Particles2D to extends Particles2D_Plus.2. Click the built-in "Create New Node" button (CMD+A) and search for the "Particles2D_Plus" node, add it to your scene as you would normally.PLUGACB_Gamez YouTube Channel:

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
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Modified Date
2 years ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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