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Third Person Camera

An asset by JeanKouss
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Third Person Camera hero image

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Third Person Camera icon image
Third Person Camera

A highly configurable Third Person Camera for the Godot Engine. Its configurability allows you to use it in multiple ways: dynamic follow, fixed perspective, shoulder view, over-the-shoulder view.It offers mouse follow and character follow modes.It utilizes SpringArm3D to prevent obstacles from obstructing the view and provides easy access to Camera3D properties without the need to edit the children or directly access the camera node itself.

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7 days ago
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Godot Third Person Camera

Godot third person camera icon

A Third Person Camera for Godot4.

README Status README GitHub Issues README GitHub Pull Requests README License

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❓ About

This is a ready-to-use third person camera for your 3D games. It is also highly configurable and its configurability allows you to use it in multiple ways :

  • Dynamic Follow
  • Fixed Perspective
  • Shoulder View
  • Over-The-Shoulder View

🧀 How to use ?

Adding to the scene

  1. Add the scene ThirdPersonCamera.tscn located at addons\third-person-camera\third_person_camera as child for you character node or any other node you want the camera to be attached to.
  2. Twerk the properties to fit you need.


  1. Click the "Third Person Camera" button located at the bottom of the editor, to open the preview panel. README image
  2. Select a ThirdPersonCamera node

πŸ“– Documentation

Take a look at the documentation in the wiki

Camera3D Properties

All Godot Camera3D Properties are available. You can access to camera node by get_camera() method. Also, it exported variables are available in the editor.

README Camera3D properties image

A highly configurable Third Person Camera for the Godot Engine. Its configurability allows you to use it in multiple ways: dynamic follow, fixed perspective, shoulder view, over-the-shoulder view.

It offers mouse follow and character follow modes.

It utilizes SpringArm3D to prevent obstacles from obstructing the view and provides easy access to Camera3D properties without the need to edit the children or directly access the camera node itself.


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Quick Information

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Third Person Camera icon image
Third Person Camera

A highly configurable Third Person Camera for the Godot Engine. Its configurability allows you to use it in multiple ways: dynamic follow, fixed perspective, shoulder view, over-the-shoulder view.It offers mouse follow and character follow modes.It utilizes SpringArm3D to prevent obstacles from obstructing the view and provides easy access to Camera3D properties without the need to edit the children or directly access the camera node itself.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
7 days ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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