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GWJ Accessibility Scripts

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GWJ Accessibility Scripts

Scripts for managing accessibility and persistent settings.Created by the Godot Wild Jam community.

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Godot Engine Accessibility Scripts

This repo is a culmination of the accessibility scripts created and provided by members of the Godot and Godot Wild Jam communities. For more information on what's needed, please check the Roadmap

These guidelines were inspired by the Game Accessibility Guidelines website:


Copy the contents of src/options into a folder in your project. Then, instantiate the custom nodes into an option menu scene.

Volume Sliders

For example, we could create a new scene for our menu with a root Control node. Then we could drag the volume_slider.tscn from the FileSystem dock to the Control node in the Scene dock.

Alternatively, one can instantiate an HSlider or VSlider and then attach the script to the node.

After that, clicking on the new volume slider will open up its editable properties in the Inspector dock. Update these settings to the targetted audio bus for that volume slider.

Setting Sliders

The setting slider is similar to the volume slider. However, these sliders only set the setting's value in the config file. It is up to the developer to apply the user's desired settings in the application.

Clicking on a slider will open up its editable properties in the Inspector dock. Update these settings to add a section and key name to your setting. Anything will do, and some examples are provided.

Rebindable Actions

The rebindlable_action.tscn works similarly, in that it will create a button, and have settings to bind it to a particular input action.

The examples are bound to Godot's built-in ui* actions by default, but it is recommended to create your own custom input actions to rebind, first.

Similarly, instantiating a Button and attaching the script to the node will get a similar outcome.

After that, clicking on the new button will open up its editable properties in the Inspector dock. Update the action name to the one intended for rebinding.

These buttons only allow one input per action. They are not recommended to use for rebinding the built-in ui* actions.

Scripts for managing accessibility and persistent settings.

Created by the Godot Wild Jam community.


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GWJ Accessibility Scripts icon image
GWJ Accessibility Scripts

Scripts for managing accessibility and persistent settings.Created by the Godot Wild Jam community.

Supported Engine Version
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Modified Date
5 days ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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