
An asset by kitchen-games
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
HighscoreManager hero image

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HighscoreManager icon image

### Online Services by kitchen-games.de are currently not running!###This tool allows you to easily save and load highscores locally and on a global leaderboard, using a simple highscore api hostet by kitchen-games.de.it contains:- saving and loading from a server- synching global and local score (in case the player played offline the last time)- saving the score encrypted to prevent cheating- generating of random usernames for the leaderboard- saving and loading completely local possible

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Modified Date
3 years ago
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This is a simple script for saving and loading highscore data.

Getting Started

First things first. Every player will get their own unique username. This name is randomly generated using a set of nouns an adjectives. Here are some example names:

  • golden and cuddly woman
  • pretty and sassy salad
  • fancy and solid cousin
  • flashy and yellow wife

These examples where generated by the default set of words, which can be overwritten in your config.cfg (more of the config.cfg later)

Examples Here is an example for saving the highscore

func lose():
    # normal things to do when the game is lost
    if state == STATES.LOST:
    state = STATES.LOST
    # loading the current highscore and Saving the new score if its better highscore
    if HighscoreManager.load_local_highscore() < score:
    # Submitting the highscore to the server
    # Notice that the local and server highscore can get out of sync when the player broke their record while playing offline. 
    # Thats why you want submit the highscore to the server anyway. It'll only be saved when its a new record anyway

Next an example for loading the highscore from the server

func _ready():
    # first we have to connect to the tome_out and data_recieved signal
    HighscoreManager.connect("data_recieved", self, "on_data_recieved")
    HighscoreManager.connect("timeout", self, "on_data_not_recieved")
    # then we load the scores
    HighscoreManager.get_highscore_for_places(0, 100)

func on_data_not_recieved(_data_type):
    $RichTextLabel.text = "connection failed!"

# data are the actual leaderboard data in array format
# data_type is the type of data we're expecting. In this case its WAIT_FOR.HIGHSCORE_FOR_PLACES since we calles the method get_highscore_for_places before
func on_data_recieved(data, data_type):
    match data_type:
        HighscoreManager.WAIT_FOR.HIGHSCORE_FOR_PLACE: pass
            pass # display data here
        HighscoreManager.WAIT_FOR.HIGHSCORE_FOR_PLAYER: pass

Set up and configuration

In order to use the HighscorManager server you havv to configure some settings in a config file. It's path is supposed to be "res://config.cfg" Here an example for a config.cfg



The private and public key can be recieved by visiting this webpage: https://kitchen-games.de/new_leaderboard.php

### Online Services by kitchen-games.de are currently not running!###

This tool allows you to easily save and load highscores locally and on a global leaderboard, using a simple highscore api hostet by kitchen-games.de.

it contains:
- saving and loading from a server
- synching global and local score (in case the player played offline the last time)
- saving the score encrypted to prevent cheating
- generating of random usernames for the leaderboard
- saving and loading completely local possible


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Quick Information

0 ratings
HighscoreManager icon image

### Online Services by kitchen-games.de are currently not running!###This tool allows you to easily save and load highscores locally and on a global leaderboard, using a simple highscore api hostet by kitchen-games.de.it contains:- saving and loading from a server- synching global and local score (in case the player played offline the last time)- saving the score encrypted to prevent cheating- generating of random usernames for the leaderboard- saving and loading completely local possible

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
3 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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