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Grid Movements

An asset by mechPenSketch
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
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Grid Movements

A plugin that binds 2D snap settings to: TileMaps' cell size, RayCast2D's cast-to and Area2D's shape sizes, all appended under new nodes.Comes with a template for creating a scene for a JRPG overworld. It has a player that can be controlled to move around and an obstacle. A checkered background is also added as a reference to the player's co-ordination.

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Modified Date
3 years ago
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Grid Movement

Getting Started


Godot Engine v3.x

Installing as a Project

After downloading, open Godot Engine Project Manager. Click Import, go to the folder you've downloaded, and select "project.godot".

Installing as a Plugin

After downloading, copy the folder "addons/snap_map" to your project file. On your project, go to Project > Project Settings > Plugins (tab) and check "Snap Map"



The scene contains a player (green) and 2 obstacles (orange and purple). The player can move in any direction, using arrow keys. The obstacle blocks the player's way.


There are additional nodes unique to this plugin:

  • SnapboundTiles (extended from TileMap) - its cell size can be adjusted such that the grid step for snapping will also be automatically updated.
  • PlayingPiece (extended from Area2D) - a playing piece to be moved around a map of tiles.
  • ColShapePiece (extended from CollisionShape2D) - its shape size can be adjusted automatically based on changes to grid step.
    • ColShapePieceEx (extended from ColShapePiece) - use this to cover more than one tiles.
  • RayCastPiece (extended from Raycast2D) - where it can cast to depends on its direction (Vector2) in proportion to grid step.

If a PlayingPiece has a TileMap as its parent, its grid position can be viewed. To find the grid position, go to the Scene Dock, and on the Scene Tree, mouse over the PlayingPiece.


  • mechPenSketch


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • GDquest for tutorials
  • I remember a youtube video that gave me the idea of using the Tween Node, but I can't find it.

A plugin that binds 2D snap settings to: TileMaps' cell size, RayCast2D's cast-to and Area2D's shape sizes, all appended under new nodes.

Comes with a template for creating a scene for a JRPG overworld. It has a player that can be controlled to move around and an obstacle. A checkered background is also added as a reference to the player's co-ordination.


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Quick Information

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Grid Movements icon image
Grid Movements

A plugin that binds 2D snap settings to: TileMaps' cell size, RayCast2D's cast-to and Area2D's shape sizes, all appended under new nodes.Comes with a template for creating a scene for a JRPG overworld. It has a player that can be controlled to move around and an obstacle. A checkered background is also added as a reference to the player's co-ordination.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
3 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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