This is a sample project demonstrating tracking features on Meta headsets. This includes body / hand tracking, which is supported on Quest 2, Quest 3, and Quest Pro; as well as face tracking, which is only supported on Quest Pro. For more Meta-specific hand tracking features, check out the Meta Hand Tracking XR Sample.
a basic 5x5 lights out puzzle demo,all assets and shaders are custom made and free to use under CC0
A blazing-quick user-oriented MetaMask login system for Godot multiplayer games. This login system has been designed first and foremost for Desktop Windows applications that would require a MetaMask / Public ETH address as a logging method option for a server-controlled multiplayer environment.
demo version: Godot 4.4 rc-3 .NETThis tool allow you Import PMX model. And import vmd animation to animate camera and model. This plugin depends on BulletSharpPInvoke.You can get libbullectc.dll from BulletSharpPInvoke's demo. Copy it to project directory. The link is below. compile BulletSharpPInvoke, you can check out my fork. Tutorial (Chinese):
Demo project for the Antialiased Line2D add-on. The add-on's code is included in this asset.Find the Antialiased Line2D add-on at:
Simple demo project for an enemy AI that moves when not seen by the player.
*ATTENTION!!*This is very old build of my game and I plan to remove it sooner or later. The latest version can be found on Gamejolt.A rough remake of the first FNAF entry in the Godot Engine.It is recommended that you use v4.2.1 stable official version of Godot.
Demo project for the Debug Menu add-on. The add-on's code is included in this asset.Usage:- Press F3 while the project is running. This cycles between no debug menu, a compact debug menu (only FPS and frametime visible) and a full debug menu.Find the Debug Menu add-on at:
This demo shows how to load levels from txt files for tilemaps, though the same ideas could be applied to non tilemap levels.Goes with my tutorial video here:
Juego de aviones (Plane game demo)Este es el primer proyecto que les enseño a mis alumnos de creación de videojuegos con Godot.Es un Juego / Template que tiene un menú de selección de nivel, y un nivel en el que podés luchar contra 3 tipos de enemigos distintos.Ideal para estudiar el código y aprender conceptos básicos de godotmás info sobre los cursos en gamedevargentina.comEng:Plane game demoThis is the first project I teach my students in game development with Godot.It is a Game / Template that has a level selection menu, and a level in which you can fight against 3 different types of enemies.Ideal for studying the code and learning basic concepts of Godotmore info about the courses at
This CharacterBody2D controller demo was created with the intent of being a decent starting point for Precision Platformers using Godot. Instead of teaching the basics, I tried to implement more advanced considerations seen in the following video:'s why I call it 'Movement 2'. This is a sequel to learning demos of similar a kind.After playing around with the demo, you could potentially just copy over the script and form it to your needs. Another option is to take the project as is and add to or subtract from it until you have a complete game.This project is also on
A simple Godot project meant to demonstrate Jam Launch multiplayer capabilitiesLearn more at