An evolving multiplayer shooter. Featuring: original characters with animations, snappy controller, simple bots, sound effects and many more. License is mixed, attribution is not required.
A simple string converter, ideally for developing.
A simple light class for the Godot engine inspired by the string-based light animation system originally seen in Quake and Half Life games.Created on Godot version 3.4.2 but should work on earlier versions too. Installation:- Setup your lamp scene according to QuakeLamp*.tscn example scenes. Lights and models should be added as child nodes.- Attach on your parent lamp node. - Drag and drop in your main scene, select the desired animation type and enjoy your new animated light.Features: - Includes 11 animation table presets from Quake. - Supports custom user animations. - Animations can be previewed in the Godot editor. - Supports optional fade between the string animation values to break the stepping effect where needed. - The light animation affects the emission of the lamp material/s.
Payment system for in-game purchases using LNP/BP.With insert-coin(s) you can implement coin-op, pay-per-use business models, capable of micropayments even lower than $0,001!You can now offer players fast and reliable in-game purchases, without middlemen or banks. By using cryptocurrency you benefit from near-zero payment fees which allows for real-time, in-game 'streaming payments'.Insert-coin(s) uses Lightning Network Protocol (LNP), the latest payment-technology on top of Bitcoin Protocol (BP).
A simple base 64 encoder and decoder.
Example of binary game. Improve your ability to convert decimal numbers to binary.
A simple configurable levelselect project with swipe and snap can set-number of icons per row-number of icons per column-total number of pages-width of icon-height of icon
1000 years after post-apocalyptic Earth, many form of lifes went extinct, including humans. An alien robot series, called Minilens, are cleaning up earth and collecting surviving flora. The game is won by destroying all Radioactive Barrels and collecting surviving flora. The drawback is that Minilens can't jump.
This is a calculator
A simple example game mimicking the arcade classic Snake. Uses Godot's custom drawing.- Arrow Keys to move.- Collect food (orange) to grow.- Don't hit the edges or cross over yourself.
Cute 3D third person shooter game kit.What's included in this project:- Third person player controller.- Networked multiplayer implementation, use -sv param to host a server with headless version of export template.- Gun firing, currently only have projectile firing (rocket launcher).- Chat system with a text command.To do:- Lobby system.- Scoreboard.- Capture the flag mode ?- Etc.
Simple snake game in godot 3.3.3