Demo of a rolling cube effect as seen in the "50 Steps" game by Tiger Studios implemented in Godot using Tween animations.
Composed by two maps:World -> a GridMap based.World2 -> a non GridMap based.Both with working NPCs AI that can reach to random targets across the map using the Navmesh. The NPCs are using "move_and_slide()" builtin function.Also, there is an example of an First Person Player Character, with self and camera movimentation.
Game Asset of a States Machine that can be adapted to any platform game created in Godot Engine.
This is a demo of more or less realistic water in Godot.It is important to use GODOT 3.1.1 or later, because 3.1 has a depth buffer bug.Made by Achim (AiYori) Menzel (UnionBytes)Donated by K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee (fire)www.unionbytes.de
This platform 2D game is a demo I made with the Godot engine, for learning purposes.I used the tilesets of Dan Cramp, as well as his video for the gameplay (
A small 2D game made for android that uses physics to simulate planets orbiting a black hole. The player must jump from planet to planet in order to survive. The more planets the player successfully jumps to, the higher his score. The color of almost everything in the game can be changed and the colors are saved together with the highest score. they are loaded when the app launches.