Godot asset to show the frame rate of your games.
This adds a data driven component system to godot.A very basic tutorial can be found here : https://godot-component-systen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/quickstart.html.
This is script for Godot Engine, that validate JSON files by JSON Schema.
An advanced save system prototype for Godot 3.1.This save system can be used in rpg games where the player moves from level to level and the game has to keep track of all the changes to those levels.The demo constist of three levels: green < red > blue. You move through them by stepping on the yellow arrows. White circles are rigid bodies, their properties will be saved either when you save to a slot (buttons at the top) OR automatically when moving to another level. Red blocks are enemies, they will get permanently deleted from the scene once collided with. Press RMB (right mouse button) to create new rigid bodies. You can also move objects from one level to another, but it's not shown in the demo.
This script node permit to handle drag and drop of any nodes in a specific group of your choice.It handles correctly nodes that overlaps by picking the topmost one. It will also raise nodes that are bellow other nodes so they "fly over" when you drag them.
Assets for the Atko.GDWeaver Nuget package.
Godot-Stuff Logger (gs_logger)A GDScript based logging utility, it provides a very low level way to debug your Games. There are different Appenders and Layouts available that let you control how the logger output is delivered.Features* low overhead* simple to include in your projects* eight different logging levels* output to console or filesystem* html output available (experimental)This version supports the Godot Version 3.1 releases.For more information follow this linkhttps://gitlab.com/godot-stuff/gs-logger/blob/master/README.md
Multiplayer and network messaging Server for Godot.The Godot Client code are in written as class which can be instanced through script.The main idea of GodotHub is to have a thin server that only handle the connection and broadcast the data to channel(lobby).GodotHub : GodotHub NodeJS Server
Client for communicating with Nakama, an Open Source game backend, using Nakama's complete REST and realtime APIs.While this client still works, there is now an official Nakama client for Godot written in GDScript, which is what I'd recommend using in new projects:https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/606
The official open-source Godot client for Nakama server written in GDScript.Nakama is an open-source server designed to power modern games and apps. Features include user accounts, chat, social, matchmaker, realtime multiplayer, and much more.This client implements the full API and socket options with the server. It's written in GDScript to support Godot Engine 3.1+.Full documentation is online - https://heroiclabs.com/docs
This tool allows you easier access to Twine stories in Godot.
Swipe Event Class.This asset provides a new Class node "SwipeEventModule" meant to generate "InputEventSwipe" event, who is not provided by the engine.https://github.com/burstina/SwipeEvent