With this tool you can automatically setup the animations of spritesheets exported from Aseprite.
Hides the "Play Scene" button and adds a custom button, useful for games with custom scene switching, I personally use this to make sure playing a scene from the editor is the same as loading it normally in the game.The plugin sets a project setting to the scene that has to be played and then runs the game normally from the main scene, you have to load the scene manually in your code using this project setting.The project setting used to store the scene path is "application/run/custom_first_scene", this string is a constant stored at CustomPlayButton.scene_setting.
Implements algorithms for maze generation with configurable width and height.
A tool to add a bottom panel that you can add enterable fields too. Formatting them properly is up to you though.
This tool allows typing with fonts made from a collection of PNG images.
Godot import plugin that resizes images
Todot is a Kanban Style Todo Plugin for Godot.
An editor plugin to edit translation files from inside Godot Engine. It supports .csv and .po files, although gettext support is limited to what Godot can handle. It can also be used as a standalone editor if translation_editor.tscn is run or exported as main scene.New in 0.3:- Minimal supported version of Godot is now 3.1- Added support for string prefix- Added support for JSON and C# files (preferably useful with string prefix)- Added options in ProjectSettings (category `TranslationEditor`)- Limited prints to warnings and errors, the rest uses Godot's verbose option- Typed GDScript is now used in the plugin's codebase- Fixed `tr()` calls within an str() call not being detected- Fixed calls to `TranslationServer.translate()` not being detected- Fixed renaming a string key not marking files as changed- Fixed window titles not being detected- Fixed previous extraction results not being cleared when opening the dialog again- Fixed "clear search" button not updating search results and remaining shownSee full changelog at https://github.com/Zylann/godot_translation_editor
[For Godot 3.1] WAT is a Testing Framework. It allows you to easily create test scripts and quickly run many at a time. You can find the documentation @ https://wat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
A colorblindness simulator to help you design for everyone.
A Node based Finite State Machine Plugin for Godot 3.1.