Implements algorithms for maze generation with configurable width and height.
Yet another Finite State Machine for Godot 3.1, this time based on nodes and method names.You have a FSM node, children nodes (usually regular Node) are states, each state node has its own script (Built-in scripts are fine here). In that script you can define methods with predetermined names (names can be customized if needed for some reason) that determine, what happens on each tick while this state is active, which states you can transition to, and what happens when you leave current state to that specific state, what happens when you arrive at this state etc. etc.More info in script
This tool allows typing with fonts made from a collection of PNG images.
A simple graphics editor that allows you to modify images!The plugin is still heavily in WIP!
Godot import plugin that resizes images
A Godot addon to Create the folder structure for your projects.
Todot is a Kanban Style Todo Plugin for Godot.
A tool to add a bottom panel that you can add enterable fields too. Formatting them properly is up to you though.
[For Godot 3.1] WAT is a Testing Framework. It allows you to easily create test scripts and quickly run many at a time. You can find the documentation @
A colorblindness simulator to help you design for everyone.
A Node based Finite State Machine Plugin for Godot 3.1.
SMRT-Godot: System for Multi Rethorical Texts for Godot is a dialog system with a fancy name.SMRT-Godot is a dialog system + editor created for my needs while making a game. It gives a new approach to dialogs and multi-language support for the game/project, by using simple JSON for storing information that is interpreted by the dialog system.Features:- Resolution independent- Instead of X and Y coordinates, it uses 3 different positions relative to the screen viewport: Top, middle and bottom- Typewriter effect with optional sound.- The text accept bbcode and its myriad of features like setting the colors of words- Pretty customizableChangelog:This update finally brings SMRT to the assetlib, completely ported over to godot 3.xSMRT-Godot's runtime systems have been compatible with godot 3 since july, except some minor bugs(like the audio playback) and the editor. I've left SMRT-Godot in beta for quite some time and now, it is finally time to let it go into the assetlib.For a complete changelog and more info: a blog post going through the use of SMRT: