A reimplementation of the existing OpenSimplexNoise class, but reprogrammed in GPU (shader), C++ (GDNative) and GDScript.It's characterised for it's improvement in rendering speed for GPU.
Simple wrapper for PackedScene that allows you to quickly pack part of a scene, so you can have e.g. "internal scenes" that you don't need to save to separate file. Usage:var prefab = Prefab.create($AnyNode)$AnyNode will be freed (or queue_freed if you pass true as second argument) and you can then instance the prefab to make copies of that node. Prefab automatically sets the owner of the children, so they are packed too.You can also save the prefab to a file, but it's not the intended usage. See repo README for more info.
PACGD is a Point and Click system built with the user in mind. Our main goal is to make a FAST, LIGHTWEIGHT, and DEV-FRIENDLY system.The complete documentation alongside examples can be found on the website: https://gagdiez.github.io/PACgd/
Allows you to programmatically tween an objects: float variables, vectors and colours.The gdTweener node uses flux-like syntax.https://github.com/rxi/flux
This tool does two things:* It creates ragdolls with RigidBodies and Generic6DOFJoints, instead of PhysicalBones.* It implements a simple animation tracer using joint motors, to mimic the popular method of creating Active Ragdolls[1].** WARNINGS AND USAGE ON GITHUB PAGE**The provided joint script is meant to create a Torque Driven[2] active ragdoll, however, given that it is attached to Joint nodes, its behaviour can be reprogramed, and adjusted for your own needs.[1] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF-cp6yW3Iw[2] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQub6caVlpY
Asynchronous resource loader/saver.
A wrapper of Photon C# Client SDK for GDScript.Contain Photon Realtime Client and Photon Chat Client.Because of the lack of time, I can't complete a perfect description in both script and document.But the usage of this SDK is similar to Photon C# Client SDK, basically you can refer to the official document.
An extendable calculator that can be used with mouse or by typing. Uses the Expression Class, which supports most functions GDscript supports.
Terraria-like inventory system.This asset have the following systems: storage, load, inventory, item data, custom mouse cursor.You can create your own items, storages + ui to them, custom cursor.Also you can add hotkeys like shift+click to equip etc.Everything else is described in readme file on GitHub.
This is an addon for Godot that allows you to very easily add subtitles to your game. This was intended to easily integrate into an existing game and be simple enough to manage for a game jam.Subtitle styles currently supported:* 3D Spatial Subtitles (it locks to the 3D position where the audio originates, or along the screen edge if the sound was off-screen)* Dialogue subtitles.(Handled in a queue so all the subtitles are seen)There are several options available for changes to the subtitles, and the system uses Label nodes for the subtitles, so if you have translations registered, they will translate automatically using the keys you provide.
A plugin written in GDScript which downloads google spreadsheet with Google Sheet api v4.Support minimum file patch with dedicate gsx2json-go service. https://github.com/deflinhec/gsx2json-go
A text editor with many features:- Table of contents.- Tag filtering.- Comment toggling for .md .yaml .json .ini .cfg.- Directory colors.- And tons of Quality of Life features.