Add an NImate node to the scene to begin - its variables should be self-explanatory.Requires Delicode NI mate. Use default settings with skeleton tracking enabled.Delicode NI mate Installers:Windows - - 64-bit - 32-bit -
A simple demo that shows how to use the Godot Touch Input Manager (GDTIM) and its capabilities.
This tool does two things:* It creates ragdolls with RigidBodies and Generic6DOFJoints, instead of PhysicalBones.* It implements a simple animation tracer using joint motors, to mimic the popular method of creating Active Ragdolls[1].** WARNINGS AND USAGE ON GITHUB PAGE**The provided joint script is meant to create a Torque Driven[2] active ragdoll, however, given that it is attached to Joint nodes, its behaviour can be reprogramed, and adjusted for your own needs.[1] -[2] -
Godot VoIP 🎙🌐 is a Godot addon which makes it very easy to setup a real time voice chat system in your Godot game. This addon also includes a demo project.
A simple implementation of Nothke's spin blur in Godot.
Example Godot Project demonstrating gamepad and phone rumble.
Adds six directional handles for scaling Spatials. Define applicable classes in CONTROL for Snap and SHIFT for Scale All. Change snap increment and keyboard shortcuts in
This plugin adds OpenXR support to Godot.Supports Windows, Linux and QuestWorks best with Godot 3.4
I found it difficult to track down a simple GPU version of the Game of Life in Godot so I built one as part of a step in another project.This project uses only shaders to calculate the previous & next steps for the cellular automata. GDscript is used here only to input mouse coordinates & button presses for
Terraria-like inventory system.This asset have the following systems: storage, load, inventory, item data, custom mouse cursor.You can create your own items, storages + ui to them, custom cursor.Also you can add hotkeys like shift+click to equip etc.Everything else is described in readme file on GitHub.
A simple example scene, showing how to create a FPS camera.If you'd like to give me some feedback, or you'd like to help improve this demo, please leave a comment here:
In-editor box modeling tools for ArrayMeshes.See for full documentation.