Ever want to have the chess game made in Godot?Well now you have it! Chess in godot!Includes:Legal moves.Castling.Win conditions (capture King).En Passant.Pawn promotionsHave fun with it!
A simple yet fun and evolving multiplayer prototype. Featuring a character with an animation tree, quake-like controller, sound effects and more. Code is under MIT license. Assets are under CC0. Muisc under CC-BY.
A fun game that showcases the basics of 2D game development in Godot.
not player
I created the Orc Clash game to learn more about making video games! I hope you find it fun and helpful, whether you're playing it or trying to make your own games!
The classic game of Pong, dressed up in a fresh new style!
Welcome to the Rubik's Cube Dojo Simulator! This simulator allows you to solve, scramble, and explore the world of the Rubik's Cube right from your computer. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn how to solve the cube or an experienced cuber aiming to improve your skills, this simulator has got you covered.
Godot 4 Fast-Paced (Authoritative Server) Game + Network Framework for FPS and TPS Games with working Example and DocumentationNetwork features- Client-side prediction of player entities- Client-side interpolation of remote entities- Backwards reconciliation and replay- Real-time adjustment of client simulation speed to optimize server's input buffer (Overwatch's method).- Server-side lag compensation- Master server in godot (without 3d)- Master and multi clients in one project (split screen)- Optimized netcode (Quake, Overwatch, Valve methods)- Remote de(activation) of player components- Ready to use godot nodes (ex. ServerPlayer, ServerWorld, ServerLogic..)- Server variable sharing between server and client (ServerVars)- RCON Implementation for Server ManagementPhysics- Full implemented TPS and FPS Movement (Quake style)- Crouching- Customizeable movementHelpersComponent system (for extending characters and game world)Registration services (Full threaded services like Networking)Async world loaderand many more helpfull tools
This is a game that uses Tweening to create satisfying animations while you suck leaves into a magic vortex. Showcase/ tutorial for this game is here, and linked below: https://youtu.be/yTkJv8tMO7gSee all my assets here: https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset?user=ThinkWithGames
This tool is meant to help 3D asset pack creators on their work to make more appealing their packs. Creating 3D previews of each 3D model and creating a customizable Overview.html web file.
A third person game made in Godot with a sketchy screen shader. This project can be used as a starting point or as a reference for making certain systems in Godot.Written in GDScript only.Using Godot 4.0.2 with the forward renderer.
A work in progress 2D fluid physics simulation made in Godot v4+the simulator uses bodies created via script using PhysicsServer2D, for every body a canvas item is created and updated to follow the body. Then, a custom shader is used to make it look like it's water.The project also features:2 different types of pointer deactivable rigidBody pointer gravitational pointer and testing areaThere's no cohesion between particles yet.No credits needed.