Adds a new dock for you to drag and drop scene thumbnails from a "palette" onto your main scene.Similar to the file system dock but with thumbnails. Select a directory to create a palette, subdirectories can be minimized/expanded in the palette. Save favorite directories and edit settings.If a thumbnail is blank, open the scene, center the viewport on the image and save the scene. This should update Godot's auto thumbnail. If working with small 2d assets such as pixel art, you can change the settings to instantiate a scene for each preview to get a crisper thumbnail.
Provides simple PDF creation and export functionality.Check plugin.cfg for more detailed documentationCheck for example usage
Godot State Charts is an extension for Godot Engine 4 or later that allows you to use state charts in your game. State Charts are similar to finite state machines, but they are more powerful and avoid the state explosion problem of traditional FSMs. To get started, check out the manual at:
This tool allows you to simulate input on your XRControllers and XRCamera, without having to use a VR headset.First, insert XRSimulator.tscn into Autoload.Move your mouse to control the XRCamera, and scroll to control its height.Press WASD to controll the left controller's joystick, and the arrow keys to control the right controller's joystick.Press Q or E to select the left controller or the right controller, respectively.With a controller selected, you can:- move your mouse to control its position- scroll to move closer or further away from the camera- hold shift and move your mouse to rotate- hold shift and roll mouse scroll to rotate controller around z-axis- press Left Click to press Trigger (trigger_click and trigger)- press Right Click to press Grip (grip_click and grip)- On the alphanumeric keyboard, press 1 to 8, -, = and Enter to press or touch buttonsMapping:1 presses by_button2 presses ax_button3 presses by_touch4 presses ax_touch5 presses trigger_touch6 presses grip_touch7 presses secondary_click8 presses secondary_touch- presses primary_click= presses primary_touchEnter presses menu_button
This simple tool will automatically open .gd and .cs files in the editor when they are created by right-clicking in the filesystem browser and selecting create new -> script. Currently creating the file and opening it in the editor are two separate actions.Please upvote the proposal here if you think this should be default Godot behavior: I can remove this silly addon.
Get your multiplayer game up and running quickly with our easy-to-integrate plugin.Key Features:- Interactive Lobbies & Matchmaking: Enable players to easily find and join each other from across the globe.- Account System: Allow players to easily create accounts. Comes with built-in email verification and a moderation system.- Persistent Data Storage: Create databases to store and retrieve data from the cloud.- Global Servers: Deliver high uptime and seamless gameplay through our extensive global server infrastructure.- In-Depth Analytics: Gain valuable insights with detailed tracking of player statistics.- Godot Asset Library Integration: Set up GD-Sync with minimal hassle, right from within the engine.More information can be found on
A powerful and user-friendly JSON editor plugin for Godot Engine 4.x that provides a visual interface for editing JSON files.Features:Visual tree view for JSON structureDirect JSON text editingFile management (load/save)Type-safe value editingSupport for all JSON data types:StringsNumbersBooleansArraysObjects (Dictionaries)Real-time validationIntegrated with Godot editor
Adds a function to recursively remove a non-empty directory.USAGE:RmDir.rmdir(directory: String)
Addon for creating skill trees and level selection menus, with an in-viewport editor. Features:- Paths: lines, arcs, and Bézier curves, to connect into big graphs- Single-object graphs with a custom arrangement of points and connections- Move points right in the editor viewport, with snapping and a right-click menu- [NEW, finally] Deactivation/refunding of points with a safety check for disconnectionsSetup:- ⚡ You must enable the plugin! Project -> Settings -> Plugins- Add a WorldmapView to your scene.- Add some worldmap items as children of the WorldmapView. WorldmapGraphs offer a branching tree/graph structure where nodes and connections can be added anywhere. WorldmapPaths are a non-branching path: a line, an arc, or a Bézier curve.- If you have multiple worldmap items, connect them by placing an empty point above a non-empty point (it's empty if data is set to <empty>. Point index is shown above it if it's selected). If in a WorldmapGraph, you must right-click it to mark as an end connection.- Use WorldmapView's methods! Check out the "example/" folder for example usage.
It paints sprites... and not just them.Just press the colorful button above the viewport to edit a Node's texture, or an image file in the project folder!- Classic, customizable tools, including the 1-pixel Pencil, the round Brush and Eraser, Solid and Gradient fill, Box and Wand selection, Shape and Line drawing;- Clone, Fill and Normal Map brushes for more drawing possibilities;- Some Scripts to change the whole image or just the selection;- Quick operations on the image: flip, rotate, and resize;- Hold Alt to pick color from image or editor window;- Grid overlay for Sprites with Frames and Maps with Tiles;- Region overlays for Atlastextures and Spriteframes;- Full Undo support.
This adds an easy-to-use, highly adaptable debug console to your games. You can adapt the console for your game's needs by adding custom commands, stats monitors, error logs, changing the console design, and more.
Allows editing BitMap resources directly from the inspector.Left click sets bits to true, right click sets them to false.