A custom shader and material to render procedural custom Vaporwave-style skyboxes.
Adds UDIMShaderMaterial, and UDIMTextureTilset, allowing for the use of UDIM tiled textures for 3D meshes.# Usage1. Create a UDIMShaderMaterial in a 3D material property.2. Create a UDIMTextureTileset in the "Albedo" > "Albedo Tileset" propererty of the UDIMShaderMaterial3. Click left click the UDIMTextureTileset to reveal an "Import UDIM Texture Set" button, left click it.4. Browse to and select one of any of the appropriately named UDIM tile textures from the tileset you'd like to use.5. Done!This is an early iteration, any feedback is appreciated!
Pre-packaged input prompts from Kenney for Godot. Includes all assets in two PNG resolutions as well as SVG versions.
Godot implementation of octahedron sphere mesh, with correct uv mapping and normals. suitable for making uv sphere, rounded boxes etc.
A shell fur tool for Godot 4 that provides a robust, no-code approach to stylish fur and fur-like materials. Supports all currently available 4.X versions