A simple 3D 100-line free-look camera for Godot 4 that mimics some of the functionality of the editor's camera for in-game use. See the "godot-3" branch on the GitHub repo for a version that works with Godot 3.Use W and S to move forward and backward.Use A and D to move left and right.Use Q and E to move up and down.Roll the scroll wheel to increase and decrease movement speed.Hold down the right mouse button to rotate the camera. There's a slider in the editor to control mouse sensitivity.Install it by attaching camera.gd to your Camera3D node.
3 Classes that brings hex detection, 3D LOS, distance, influence, shortest path ... all you need to build a classical boardgame based on a single image hex map. A demo in the source tree.
The uuid class is a GDScript 'static' class that provides a unique identifier generation for Godot Engine.
A GDScript thread pool to asynchronously execute tasks.
This add-on provides a node that generates linear stairs using CSG.
Godot PostgreSQL Client is a GDscript script / class that allows you to connect to a Postgres backend and run SQL commands there. It is able to send data and receive it from the backend. Useful for managing player user data on a multiplayer game, by saving a large amount of data on a dedicated Postgres server from GDscript.The class is written in pure GDScript which allows it not to depend on GDExtention. This makes it ultra portable for many platforms.Detailed documentation: https://github.com/Marzin-bot/PostgreSQLClient/wiki/Documentation
A player with basic first-person controls. Ready to use with no configuration required. It's that simple.
Demo project for the InterpolatedCamera3D add-on. The add-on's code is included in this asset.Find the InterpolatedCamera3D add-on at: https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/739
A simple class allowing basic complex algebra in GDScript
This is the 3D targeting system's demo project for Godot 4 game engine.This tool is based on 3D-Targeting-System-Ultimate for Godot 3.
This is a platformer class with many tweakable settings which can be used to control a 2D character (think supermario 1).##Features- Double jump- Coyote time- Jump buffer- Hold jump to go higher- Defining jump height and duration (as opposed to setting gravity and jump velocity)- Assymetrical jumps (falling faster than rising)
Godot Gameplay Systems (formerly godot gameplay attributes) is a set of nodes and resources which speed up development of your gameplay mechanisms.Currently it provides:- An Attributes base system (complete with buff/debuff)- An Ability base system- A camera shake node- A slide show node for your game intro- Equipment base system- Inventory base system- Interactions system (base)- Loot and drop system- Point and click nodes (both 2d and 3d)- Turn based nodes- User interface controls (radial menu container)