Simple shader that allows for create animations similar to palette cycling. Make a grayscale sprite and a gradient, put a ShaderMaterial on the sprite and assign the gradient and it will animate. See the example project for usage.Caveats for best effect:- the node with shader should have texture_filter set to Nearest- number of colors in the gradient and base texture should match- gray shades in the base texture should be uniformly distributed (i.e. with equal increments between colors)Check out the repo page for animated example.
This project is a template for creating advanced Third/First Person movement in GodotSupports CharacterBody3D, and RigidBody3D.Current Features :Stance System :StandCrouchGait System :WalkRunSprintView Mode System :First PersonThird PersonSmooth Rotation System :Velocity DirectionLooking Direction : In Place Rotation and orientation warpingInAir RotationAim RotationDistance Matching :Stop AnimationOrientation warpingMotion warpingCamera system :FOV change on speedCamera Inertia Flashlight(G) To toggle High graphics : SDFGI (Global illumination),SSIL, SSAO,SSR,Glowgithub :
A shader that changes sprite colors based on provided palette. Top row of palette are color references; these colors are sampled from the original image and replaced by colors from subsequent rows. The shader will cycle between palette rows, resulting in an animation. By default, the reference row is also part of the animation, but it can be skipped. 2-row palette with first row skipped results in a static palette swap.The shader will automatically adjust to palette size, so it requires minimal setup (just drop palette image and it works). It uses integer comparison for the colors, so it's fast and perfectly accurate. I also made sure that the code is optimized.You can use the alpha from palette colors or keep the original. When using palette alpha, keep in mind that transparent pixels are sampled too. Only RGB values are sampled, alpha is used only for final image.Warning: Be sure to set texture_filter property to Nearest. Also, while the palette size is only limited by maximum texture size, having too many columns (hundreds/thousands) will impact performance.The shader comes bundled with a file It's an editor script for quick generating palettes from images. Select a Sprite or any node with texture property and in Script Editor do File -> Run to generate a palette template.Check the example project for some usage examples or check the repo for more details.
First person controller for Godot 4.1
A game template for making match3 game
# motion-blur-godot-4.0A motion blur plugin created by Bauxitedev, ported to Godot 4.0To use this plugin in your game, do the following:1) Copy the motion-blur folder to your project directory.2) Select the camera you want to apply motion blur to, and click the 'link' button above the scene tree to instance a scene.3) Select the 'motion_blur.tscn' file, and click Open.If you want to customize the blur:1) Select the motion_blur node2) Click 'Surface Material Override' in the inspector under MeshInstance3D.3) Click 'Shader Parameters'4) Mess with the Intensity, Iteration Count, and Start Radius until you have the effect you'd like.Original plugin by Bauxitedev for Godot 3:
1.Randomly set cell2.smooth3.eliminate small hole and wall4.connect all rooms to main room
This is a simple fps template made for speeding up development of fps games.Main level was made using the devblocks add-on with kenneys dev textures.
Fake interior shader with use single texture for roomPort of this shader: mapping shader which instead of cubemap, it uses texture atlas with room tiles that are front room view automatically mapped into a cube. The alpha channel value - uniform for whole tile - is used to determine the rear wall's relative distance.
Split texture, stochastic sampling, triplanar projection shader for Godot4
A simple Godot networking system for connecting to an online server, spawning players, and updating positions.
A template for quickly getting started with WebXR projects in Godot.