A scene of an abandoned subway, possibly inhabited by squatters at some point.**This project uses .blend files. This means you must have blend file support enabled or else you will get dependency errors. If you are unsure how to do this, there is a how-to in the official documentation**
For Godot 4, it compares four different save methods. Note that these methods are not mutually exclusive, you can mix and match them. But this demo assumes that you're using them all separately.
Scales the subviewport only by integersAvoids those nasty non-square pixels by only scaling the subviewport with whole numbers.CreditsBackground by ansimuzhttps://ansimuz.itch.io/cyberpunk-street-environment
Demo project for the Debug Menu add-on. The add-on's code is included in this asset.Usage:- Press F3 while the project is running. This cycles between no debug menu, a compact debug menu (only FPS and frametime visible) and a full debug menu.Find the Debug Menu add-on at: https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/1902
This is the ultimate touch joypad for Godot 4.Features:- Multi-touch supported: this joypad is coded in a way that it won't get interfered with other touch-related features in the game.- Signal-based control: by using the engine's signal, the code is very simple, reliable, and fast!- Area-based D-Pad control: the D-Pad uses an area specified by the button node to detect touch input instead of some calculations from the slowish user script. Therefore, the user can easily change the area to detect touch input from with thin the editor instead of having to change some complicated calculation in the script!- Muti-size D-Pad supported: the user can easily change the D-Pad to any size as it won't break the code.- Flexible D-Pad position: the user doesn't need the ultimate precision as the D-Pad will follow the user's thumb (in the limited area).- Auto D-Pad recenter: the D-Pad will automatically return to its default positon. The user can specify the default position in the editor, there's no need to change this in the code.- Visual Script: the code is written in Visual Script. Therefore, it's easy to read and understand the code if someone wants to modify it.
A simple demo that shows how to use the Godot Touch Input Manager (GDTIM) and its capabilities.
Godot 4 demo scene of an abandoned spaceship in an overgrown hangar.Shows the following features:* The light baking setup in Godot. Lightmaps are baked for Hangar and Outside scenes separately.* Trim sheet-based materials with a custom shader for colour changing.* Vertex colour-based terrain material for blending between different ground textures.* Animated in-world video display on the arcade machine.* Godot Volumetric fog, SSIL, SSAO and Temporal antialiasing.* Reflection probes for the reflections.
This CharacterBody2D controller demo was created with the intent of being a decent starting point for Precision Platformers using Godot. Instead of teaching the basics, I tried to implement more advanced considerations seen in the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S3g8CgBG1gThat's why I call it 'Movement 2'. This is a sequel to learning demos of similar a kind.After playing around with the demo, you could potentially just copy over the Player.gd script and form it to your needs. Another option is to take the project as is and add to or subtract from it until you have a complete game.This project is also on itch.io: https://theothetorch.itch.io/movement-2
A shader-based PBR ray tracing demo. Real-time denoise and you can freely adjust the camera's transforms, lens aperture, fov and focal length.
This is a demo of famous game "2048" by Godot4 Beta7. Have a look if you are interest in it.There is a strange bug. You may need to double-click to open the font file in the project (res://assets/font/HandWrite.ttf) and click "Reimport".
a reflecting laser in Godot 4.0can activate collisions
This is the 3D targeting system's demo project for Godot 4 game engine.This tool is based on 3D-Targeting-System-Ultimate for Godot 3.
Minimal snake game sample made with C# for Godot 4.0+.
World of Alpheratz is a simple retro platformer demo game made with Godot 4.Currently it has only one level with basic mechanics, if you guys like it I will continue to develop it in my free time or contact me if you want to help me with the development (it will not be a commercial game).The project (art is not inclueded, they have seperate licenses, see assets_source.md) is under MIT license, so you can use it as a base for your own game and I am glad if you do so.
A working example of various Steamworks features using GodotSteam. These are based on the tutorials from our documentation which you can find here: https://godotsteam.comThis should work in any Godot 4 version but is built with Godot 4.0.3.The example project should also work, in part, with your game's app ID.
Updated version of the Websocket Demo for 3.0
A demo to showcase the new FastNoiseLite in Godot 4
For Godot 4. This is a demo of how to use JSON files to save and load.
A new demo project, showcasing dynamic level generation and endless arcade gameplay. The project is designed to demonstrate the use of procedural-level generation.In this exciting game, players take control of a star, dodging obstacles in a procedurally generated world. Creating endless and unpredictable levels that keep players engaged and challenged.In the realm of procedural level generation, there are several approaches to consider. I chose a grid-based (TileMap) approach, as it provided us with the flexibility and control we needed for generating our endless levels.
This project shows the basics for how to work with tile maps and tile sets (which includes hexgrids). This includes how to click on cells in a tilemap, and cycle through a cell's alternativesTilemap setup guide included in this video (I made this video) https://youtu.be/1qmXFIJU1QE
This is a demo project showing off various features of the Godot XR Tools library.This demo comes with a copy of the Godot XR Tools and OpenXR asset.
For Godot 4. Click to shoot out the grappling hook. When it reaches a body, it will pull the player towards it. If the player moves during that, the grapple will cancel.
A tactical role-playing game demo for the Godot Engine
Demo project for the InterpolatedCamera3D add-on. The add-on's code is included in this asset.Find the InterpolatedCamera3D add-on at: https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/739