This plugin gives you the ability to have lens flare in your 3d projects. And it's procedural too; meaning you don't need to assign actual lens flare textures as long as you have a bright spot in your screen.Just install the addons folder to add it to your project.Find out more here:
Dynamic crosshair shader for godot##InstallationCreate a ColorRect, set the size to your resolution so it covers the entire viewport. Apply the shader to the ColorRect.##CustomizationColors, size, spacing, etc. are editable in shader params. "inverted" overrides all color and replaces it with an inverted screenbuffer.color_id enables color_%id (color_id == 1, color_1 is active color)."spread" is the scale factor of "spacing". The space between each section is spacing * spread. 1 is the default value.See readme for example usage.
RGB 8-bit shader which can swap 766 colors per shader instance.Includes two demos scenes with explanations, and a code template to dynamically change the colors with a GDScript.
A gameboy dot-matrix retro post-processing filter for your games. Enjoy.
There are some basic shaders, as a blur filter, a mosic filter, an edge filter and others. You can use as your shader in your project, after download the shaders.
This is a demonstration project showcasing the included Cel Shader. See ReadMe for details.
A simple customizable 3D outline shader..How to use?Just add the outline.material as next_pass to the material which is suppose to have an outline.For more details and tips check out the Test folder or read the README.mdCustomizable:- can be enabled and disabled through a simple shader parameter- choose your desired color- adjust the thickness of the outline
This plugin adds a new node for giving a volumetric lighting effect to light nodes they are attached too.It also supports Lexpartizan's Sky Shader. info in the README file. Please read it.
This is a port of the libretro crt-geom GLSL shader to Godot shading language.
Port of libretro's CRT Lottes GLSL shader
This shader adds curvature to any mesh!